Ed de Moel

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations


U/M: Usage specification for a specific service, meaning (User-) optional for SCU, mandatory for SCP.


U/U: Usage specification for a specific service, meaning (User-) optional for both SCU and SCP.


UI: Abbreviation for a Value Representation: Unique Identifier. For details see here.


UID: Unique Identifier, a world-wide unique numbering scheme which is used by the NEMA for example to identify SOP Classes, syntaxes, etc., and vendors for identifying SOP Instances.


UL: Abbreviation for a Value Representation: Unsigned Long. For details see here.


US: Abbreviation for a Value Representation: Unsigned Short. For details see here.

US: Abbreviation for a type of modality: Ultrasound.


UT: Abbreviation for a Value Representation: Unlimited Text. For details see here.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X

O-Tech Parts of this document are taken (with permission) from
Herman Oosterwijk's "DICOM Expert" Cheat Sheet
© Copyright OTech, Inc.
P.O. Box 260637
Plano, Texas 75026
