Ed de Moel

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations


Modality: Acquisition system. A device that produces medical images. Currently known modalities are:
AS: Angioscopy,
BI: Biomagnetic imaging,
CD: Color flow Doppler,
CF: Cinefluorography,
CP: Culposcopy,
CR: Computed Radiography,
CS: Cystoscopy,
CT: Computed Tomography,
DD: Duplex Doppler,
DF: Digital fluoroscopy,
DG: Diaphanography,
DM: Digital microscopy,
DS: Digital Subtraction Angiography,
DX: Digital Radiography,
EC: Echocardiography,
ES: Endoscopy,
FA: Fluorenscein angiography,
FS: Fundoscopy,
IO: Intra-oral Radiology,
LP: Laparoscopy,
LS: Laser surface scan,
MA: Magnetic resonance angiography,
MG: Mammography,
MR: Magnetic Resonance,
MS: Magnetic resonance spectroscopy,
NM: Nuclear Medicine,
OT: Other,
PT: Positron emission tomography (PET),
RF: Radio Fluoroscopy,
RG: Radiographic imaging (conventional film/screen),
ST: Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT),
TG: Thermography,
US: Ultrasound,
VF: Videofluorography,
VL: Visable Light and
XA: X-Ray Angiography.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X

O-Tech Parts of this document are taken (with permission) from
Herman Oosterwijk's "DICOM Expert" Cheat Sheet
© Copyright OTech, Inc.
P.O. Box 260637
Plano, Texas 75026
