Ed de Moel

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations

VR is UI

Value Representation "Unique Identifier (UID)"
A character string containing a UID that is used to uniquely identify a wide variety of items. The UID is a series of numeric components separated by the period "." character. If a Value Field containing one or more UIDs is an odd number of bytes in length, the Value Field shall be padded with a single trailing NULL (00H) character to ensure that the Value Field is an even number of bytes in length. See Section 9 and Annex B for a complete specification and examples.
Character Set: "0"-"9", "." of Default Character Repertoire
Size Restriction(s): 64 bytes maximum

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X

O-Tech Parts of this document are taken (with permission) from
Herman Oosterwijk's "DICOM Expert" Cheat Sheet
© Copyright OTech, Inc.
P.O. Box 260637
Plano, Texas 75026
