Ed de Moel

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations

DICOM Terms and Abbreviations


EC: Abbreviation for a type of modality: Echocardiography.


ER: Emergency Room


ES: Abbreviation for a type of modality: Endoscopy.

Edge enhancement

Edge enhancement: An image processing technique that seeks to increase the usefulness of an image by overcompensating for the blurring that has occurred during the image formation process.

Element types

Element types: 1 = required
1C = required if a condition is met
2 = primary diagnostic; required
2C = primary diagnostic; required if a condition is met
3 = optional.


Exam or Study: A collection (set) consisting of series of images.

Explicit VR

Explicit VR: Explicit Value Representation, a transfer syntax which is negotiated by which the receiver is explicitly told the VR syntax and context. For example, when receiving a Patient Name using Explicit VR, the message specifies explicitly that VR for each attribute. This is in contrast to the Implicit VR.

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X

O-Tech Parts of this document are taken (with permission) from
Herman Oosterwijk's "DICOM Expert" Cheat Sheet
© Copyright OTech, Inc.
P.O. Box 260637
Plano, Texas 75026
