Volume 1, Number 4, September 1993

Table of Contents

4-5 Richard F. Walters
Not yet available... Why Bother? - The Internationalization of M[UMPS]
6-15 Marcio Biczyk do Amaral and Yoichi Satomura
Not yet available... Multilingual Applications, Processing Natural Languages at Chiba University Hospital
16-23 Wolfgang Giere and G. William Moore
Not yet available... Multilingual Applications, Translating English into German Using VA File Manager
29 anonymous
Not yet available... Just Ask!
30-31 Elliot A. Shefrin
Not yet available... The Value of an MTA Membership
32-42 D.C. Walker and Richard F. Walters
Not yet available... Multilingual Applications, Developing a Multilingual Index to Access Health-Care Terminologies
45-46 G.V. Montgomery
Not yet available... Commentary, M[UMPS] Vital to Quality Health Care for U.S. Veterans
47-48 Thomas C. Salander
Not yet available... MDC Update, MDC Approves 1993 Language Enhancements
49-52 Winfried O. Gerum
Not yet available... Tips 'n' Tricks, How to Sort «MacMumps» and Other Strange Guys
56 Peggy Hoffman
Not yet available... M[UMPS] Technology is Going to Comdex Next Spring