M Computing, Volume 6, number 2, June 1998, pages 18-19
Two of the questions that I hear very often are "Why does Modulo work the way it does?" and "Why do M[UMPS] people call 'Remainder' by such a strange name?" After all, the definition,
A # B = A - (B * floor(A/B))
where floor (x) = the largest integer less than or equal to x, does seem rather contrived. And, when one or both of the operands happen to be negative numbers, the result may meet the formula that is part of the definition, but it still is quite unexpected to a large amount of people.
It all started with the Norwegian mathematician Niels Henrik Abel, who lived from 1802 until 1829.
Abel was the first to formalize a set of theories that later became known as "Abelian Group Theory". There are perhaps not many people who at first sight would recognize this theory as something that they might use on a daily basis, but when we realize that terms like "commutative" and "binary operator" stem from this very theory, it may become less of a surprise that this theory lays the mathematical foundation for every-day operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
One of the less commonly known aspects of this theory are Abel's attempts to deal with mathematical sets that are infinite in size. Being a mathematician, he tried to get a hold on entities that were too large in size to enumerate all their elements. What Abel did to get a "handle" on matters, was a process that we still use fairly often: he "mapped" infinitely large groups on smaller sets that he could deal with.
The idea that he used in one of his theories was to map an infinitely large set of entities onto a small set of integer numbers, just equating one entity from the large set to the number 0 (zero) in the small set, the next one in the large set to the number 1 (one), etcetera, until all the numbers in the small set were used up. The next element from the large set would again be equated to the number 0, etcetera, cyclically, without limit.
This may seem like a strange idea that only a mathematician could come up with, but, in fact, we use it every day: the number of hours in history is infinitely large, but when we're dealing with the time of day, we map this infinitely large number onto a set of 24 integer numbers, and, if it's noon now, and we're interested in what happened 25 hours ago, we'd expect that time to be 11 o'clock, and not -13 o'clock.
Of course, there are cases where we want to know the actual date, but for a lot of our handling of date and time issues, it is more important to know whether something happened at noon, or in the evening, than it is to know the precise day on which it happened.
To illustrate this, we could map the (infinitely large) set of integer numbers onto the set {0, 1, 2, 3, 4} in a cyclical fashion, which would result in the mapping shown below.
Abel called the small set of numbers that resulted from mapping a large set onto a small set of number an "image of the orginal set modulo n", where n is the number of integers in the smaller set.
So, this is where we got the name, and the behavior.
Now that the pattern of repetition has been clarified, it may also become clear why the behavior of modulo with negative "left-hand" operands is the way it is: the "target" set is repeated cyclically, in the same sequence, over and over.
With negative "right-hand" operators, the sequence is traversed in seemingly reverse order (seemingly, because the order is still from low to high, only 0 (zero) is now the upper limit of the sequence).
For positive numbers, the result of "modulo" happens to coincide with the result of "remainder", but, in general, "remainder" and "modulo" have quite a different mathematical background, and may end up having quite different results.
To make matters worse, the result of "remainder" depends on the country where one went to school. In some countries, the schools teach that a "remainder" is always a positive number, in some countries they teach that the sign of the remainder is the same as the sign of the dividend, and in some countries they teach that the sign of the remainder is the product of the signs of the dividend and the divisor... Go figure it out! That's why the definition of the programming language "C" explicitly states that the result of the operator % (remainder) is implementation-specific.
FORTRAN and (original) Pascal define "remainder" differently, and indeed, FORTRAN was defined in the USA, and Pascal originally in Switzerland. The ANSI standard for Pascal, however, was defined in the USA, and there the definition of "remainder" is indeed the same as in FORTRAN.
Back to "modulo" and the formula that occurs in its definition in the language standard. Why didn't the authors of the standard just say: "modulo produces a number from the Abelian mapping of the infinitely large set of rational numbers (left operand) onto a finite set of rational numbers that make up the rest-group modulo right operand", or words of a similar meaning? I'm afraid that such a definition would end up being extremely verbose, confusing, and probably still not completely convey the official mathematical meaning that Abel tried to establish (he needed a couple of dozen pages to describe what he meant and then concluded "and this is called A modulo B").
Also, the authors of the standard could have done the same for "modulo" as for addition, and briefly state that "# produces the algebraic modulus", but then, not everyone takes graduate-level classes in math, and a lot of people would probably not be able to understand what that term means.
The formula in the standard is a compromise. It is fairly easy to understand, and it completely mimics the behavior intended by Niels Abel. This particular representation of the formula was first published in one of the text-books by Donald Knuth, a mathematician of this century, who laid the foundation for many of today's theories and practices in information technology.
The formula concisely mimics the behavior of Abel's mappings, without much need to describe the mathematical intricacies of how it was that he arrived on his theories. It has all the benefits of a "short description", but it also lacks the advantages of the "greater picture".
The "modulo" operator has its use primarily in finding out "where in a sequence of cyclically repeating events" the current entity is situated.
Of course, there also is a clear relation between "modulo" and "remainder": often the two are undistinguishable, and identical enough for practical purposes. "Modulo", however, has a defined basis in formal mathematics, whereas the basis for "remainder" is more in culture and tradition than in generally accepted theory.
Whenever you use it, however, be aware of the sign of the result, and be aware of the sequence in which numbers are repeated!
dividend / divisor = quotient
Donald E. Knuth, The Art of Computer Programming, Second Edition; Volume I, Fundamental Algorithms. Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1973, ISBN 0-201-03809-9, pages 37-39.
N | -17 | -16 | -15 | -14 | -13 | -12 | -11 | -10 | -9 | -8 | -7 | -6 | -5 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 12 | 13 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 |
N#5 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 |
N#-5 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 | -1 | 0 | -4 | -3 | -2 |
Ed de Moel is past chairman of the MDC
and works with Jacquard Systems Research.
His experience includes developing software for research in medicine
and physics.
Over the past ten years, Ed's has mostly focused on the production
of tools for data management and analysis, and tools for the support
of day-to-day operation of medical systems.
Ed can be
reached by e-mail.