MDC Taskgroup 6 - Standards Preparation

Established: October 1991

Chair: Thomas Salander (October 1991 - June 1994)
Ed de Moel (January 1995 - ...)

Scope of work: X11/93-52, 25 October 1993

Complete the approval of the current MDC standards as ANSI and ISO standards. The Task Group is responsible for interacting with ANSI and the canvassees to ensure the approval of the standards by ANSI. This task group was originally created in conformance with X11/90-33.

The following is the remaining work for the Task Group:

  1. Submit final documents to ANSI, ANSI canvass list, NIST, and ISO (for informal review).

  2. Respond to negative comments. If necessary, the Task Group will meet with the objectors to clarify objections and discuss possible resolutions. If the objections are not resolved to the satisfaction of the objectors, the Task Group will meet with the objectors again to discuss the disposition of their objections.

    Priority will be given to negative comments resulting from the ANSI canvass.

  3. Make editorial changes as needed.

  4. Refer substantive changes back to the MDC for its consideration. Unresolved technical objections will be distributed to the full committee prior to recanvass. The Task Group will make the following motion to the committee: Move to withdraw the proposed ANSI standard (X11.x) from canvass for reconsideration. A simple majority of the voting membership us needed to withdraw.

  5. The MDC shall decide whether the document will be withdrawn or other action be taken. If the document is to be recanvassed, the document, along with all official ANSI canvass objections and their corresponding responses, will be mailed to the entire canvass list for reconsideration.

  6. Any unresolved technical objections resulting from the recanvass will be distributed to the full committee. The Task Group chair will make the following motion to the committee: Move to withdraw the proposed ANSI standard (X11.x) from canvass for reconsideration. A simple majority of the voting membership is needed to withdraw.

  7. Submit final canvass results, canvass objections, and corresponding responses to ANSI.

  8. Provide ANSI any information and assistance needed to facilitate approval of the standards.

  9. Assist ANSI in preparing responses to appeals, should the standards be approved.

  10. Provide NIST any information and assistance needed to facilitate approval of the standards as FIPS.

  11. Provide ANSI any information and assistance needed to facilitate approval of the standards as ISO standards.

Time-table: X11/93-52, 25 October 1993

The following are estimates for each of the tasks in the Scope of work:

  1. Two weeks after receipt by the secretariat from the editors of all four proposed ANSI standards (X11.1, X11.2, X11.3 and X11.6).

  2. Six months

  3. Six weeks

  4. Eight weeks if done through a mail ballot. However, this could also be done at a scheduled MDC meeting. The Task Group will choose the method resulting in the shortest time to resolution.

  5. Two weeks to submit; one month to canvass.

  6. Eight weeks if done through a mail ballot. However, this could also be done at a scheduled MDC meeting. The Task Group will choose the method resulting in the shortest time to resolution.

  7. Two weeks.

  8. Two months.

  9. Four months.

  10. Unknown.

  11. Unknown.