Approved for inclusion in a future ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.
This function formats a numeric value to match certain local preferences for the representation of numbers. The function allows for various separators, currency symbols, leading and trailing markers, et cetera.
The examples below all work with the same test value
SET B="100000.05"
Set up the formatting preferences:
SET X="FM=Z:CS=""$"":DC=""."":SL="","":FS=""*"""
SET Z="cnsnnnsnnndnn"
FM is the local variable that specifies the format mask
CS is the currency string
DC is the decimal character
SL is left separator character
FS is the fill string
In the "mask string", the meaning of the letters is:
c = currency symbol
d = decimal separator (may occur only once in mask)
f = floating symbol
l = left justified numeric
m = money (right justified)
n = numeric
s = separator
x = spacer
- = display sign only if negative
+ = display sign always
( and ) = display negative numbers within parentheses
space = insert space for the spaces in the mask
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,X) | "$**100,000.05" |
Change the fill character:
SET Z="+nsnnnsnnndnn",X=X_":FS=""0"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,X) | "+00100,000.05" |
Make the currency symbol a multi-character string:
SET Z="ccnsnnnsnnndnn"
SET X=X_":FS="" "":CS=""DM"":SL=""."":DC="","""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,X) | "DM 100.000,05" |
Show the currency as a trailing string:
SET Z="nsnnnsnnn ccc",X=X_":CS=""ATS"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,X) | " 100.000 ATS" |
Note that for every format property, the last one (right-most) prevails:
WRITE $PIECE(X,":",1,7)
FM=Z:CS="$":DC=".":SL=",":FS="*":FS="0":FS=" "
WRITE $PIECE(X,":",8,99)
Some local preferences use the currency symbol as the decimal separator:
SET X="FM=Z:DC=""$"":SL="" "":FS="" """
SET Z="nsnnnsnnndnn"
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,X) | " 100 000$05" |
Put the sign in a "floating" position:
SET X="FM=Z:DC=""."":SL="","":FS="" """
SET Z="cfsfffsffndnn"
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(-B,X) | "$ -100,000.05" |
Apply a different fill character
SET T=X_":FS=""$"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,T) | "$$$100,000.05" |
Use parentheses to indicate negative value:
SET Z="(nnsnnnsnnndnn)",Y=X_":FS=""&"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(-B,Y) | "(&&&100,000.05)" |
Allow the parentheses to "float":
SET Z="(ffsfffsffndnn)"
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(-B,X) | " (100,000.05)" |
Braces do not appear for positive values:
SET Z="(nnsnnnsnnndnn)",Y=X_":FS=""&"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(B,Y) | " &&&100,000.05 " |
Insert a separator character at specific places:
SET Z="nnsnnsnnsn",Y=X_":SL=""-"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(1234567,Y) | "12-34-56-7" |
Use multiple separators:
SET Z="nns nns",Y=X_":SL=""""""'"""
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(1210,Y) | "12' 10"" |
Use different separators to the left and to the right
of the decimal separator:
SET Z="nnnnsnnnnsnnnnsnnnndnnnnsnnnnsnnnn"
SET Y=X_":SL=""!@#"":SR=""%^"":DC="","""
SET VAL=345678901234.56789
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(VAL,Y) | " 3456@7890!1234,5678%9000^000" |
Right and left justification:
SET L="llsllsllsl",R="nnsnnsnnsn"
Reference | Value | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(4567,"FM=R") | " 4-56-7" | |
$%FORMAT^STRING(4567,"FM=L") | "45-67 " |
The MDC has approved code to approximate the return value of this function. Implementors are encouraged to provide more accurate and efficient code). Click here to view or download the code for this function. Click here to view or download the code for all M[UMPS] Library Functions.
This document is © Ed de Moel, 1995-2005.
It is part of a book by Ed de Moel that is published
under the title "M[UMPS] by Example" (ISBN 0-918118-42-5).
Printed copies of the book are no longer available.
This document describes the various library functions that are defined for the M[UMPS] programming language.
The information in this document is NOT authoritative
and subject to be modified at any moment.
Please consult the appropriate (draft) language standard for an
authoritative definition.
In this document, information is included that will
appear in
future standards.
The MDC cannot guarantee that these 'next'
standards will indeed appear.