M[UMPS] Functions - $A[SCII]

Introduced in the 1977 ANSI M[UMPS] language standard.

This function returns the internal code number for a character in a string.
The standard defines a one-to-one correspondence between the codes 0 through 127 and the characters from the (7-bit) ASCII set. Code numbers >127 are character-set-specific; code numbers <0 do not indicate valid characters. The special value -1 indicates a reference to a character that does not occur in the string that is passed as the first parameter.

Assume that X="ABCDE"
Reference Value Remarks
$ASCII(X) 65
$ASCII(X,1) 65 "A"
$ASCII(X,2) 66 "B"
$ASCII(X,3) 67 "C"
$ASCII(X,0) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,6) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,-2) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,1.92) 65 "A" in position 1

Assume that X=""
Reference Value Remarks
$ASCII(X) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,N) -1 no character there...

Assume that X="AB"
Reference Value Remarks
$ASCII(X,0) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,3) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,-7) -1 no character there...
$ASCII(X,1.92) 65 1.92 truncates to 1

Examples with naked references:

SET ^ABC(1,2)="reset naked indicator"
; Naked indicator is now ^ABC(1,
SET ^(3,4)=$ASCII(^(5,6))

; 1. fetch ^(5,6) = ^ABC(1,5,6)
; 2. store ^(3,4) = ^ABC(1,5,3,4)
; Naked indicator is now: ^ABC(1,5,3,

SET ^ABC(1,2)="reset naked indicator"
; Naked indicator is now ^ABC(1,
SET ^(3,4)=$ASCII(^(5,6),^(7,8))

; 1. fetch ^(5,6) = ^ABC(1,5,6)
; 2. fetch ^(7,8) = ^ABC(1,5,7,8)
; 3. store ^(3,4) = ^ABC(1,5,7,3,4)
; Naked indicator is now: ^ABC(1,5,7,3,

This document is © Ed de Moel, 1995-2005.
It is part of a book by Ed de Moel that is published under the title "M[UMPS] by Example" (ISBN 0-918118-42-5).
Printed copies of the book are no longer available.