Volume 8, Number 1, March 2000


by Winfried Gerum

As InterSystems has acquired all major MUMPS implementations to turn them into CASH (or Caché or Kashe?) the need for MUMPS User Groups (!) seemed to fade away.

But after FreeMUMPS for Linux (freem.vmth.ucdavis.edu) one more new MUMPS Implementation for FreeBSD named simply MUMPS V1.0 can be downloaded from www.mumps.org. MUMPS from mumps.org is free, but not Open Source. mumps.org has admitted that they have used code from FreeMUMPS. Producing a MUMPS implementation is easy these days. So it seems that we can expect even more MUMPS implementations in the future.

These free products cannot be bought by a would be monopolist. And as -so far- there is no commercial support for these products, a User Group becomes a necessity again.

Does anyone have experience with these free MUMPS products? How easy is the migration, what are the shortcomings? ...there is a time to write...