Volume 8, Number 1, March 2000

From the Chairman
Letter from the Chair

Welcome to the first of what we hope to be many Web versions of M Computing. We must give our heartfelt thanks to Kate Schell who has worked diligently to get this to the press (actually the web). Her patience in dealing with procrastinators such as me is amazing.

The MTA remains alive, but is struggling. The old MTA web site www.mtechnology.org was inadvertently shut down for a number of days. It is back up and now points to the new MTA web site that Max Rivers, Art Smith and Ed de Moel have been constructing despite a disappointing lack of volunteers. The September MTA meeting in San Diego produced a large number of "volunteers" who signed up to help us create the new web site. Unfortunately, very few of those who signed up were able or willing to produce. I am reminded of the story of the Little Red Hen!

For those of you who will be attending the InterSystems Developer’s Conference in Orlando in March, the MTA will have a table area that will demo the new web site. Max Rivers will be there to show and tell and to elicit your support and programming talents for the future development of the site.

Rather than describe what is on the new M web site and what will be there, click on the M Portal Tour at the MTA web site and see for yourself. Better yet, volunteer to help develop part of the system.

An MTA subcommittee chaired by John Covin has met to restructure the membership and dues for the MTA. With the new virtual organization structure, there will be a number of changes in how the MTA will be providing you with new ways to communicate with your fellow M programmers, tutorials to be given and a number of on-line learning experiences. A dues restructuring will be an integral part of these changes.

We are looking for one or possibly two people to replace Kate Schell as the Editor of M Computing. This is a challenging and time-consuming task. Kate has done a marvelous job and deserves the opportunity to take a break after many months of effort. Dave Holbrook is eagerly seeking her replacement. His e-mail address is david.a.holbrook@cpmx.saic.com.

We will be holding elections for MTA Board of Directors members. Art Smith is chairing the nominating committee. If you would like to run for the board or you would like to nominate someone for a board position, please contact Art. His e-mail address is SmithAB@missouri.edu.

The transition to the management firm of Stokes and Company is now complete. I’m sure there will still be some glitches while their personnel learn who to contact about what. All in all, it has been relatively atraumatic. Konnie Hooton is our primary contact at Stokes. She can be reached at (202) 289-4700 or konnie@stokespc.com.

The transition to a management firm has been a success financially. We are now operating on a break-even basis with almost $100,000 in our bank account. We may not be rich, but we are solvent. Now what the MTA needs most is for a whole bunch of you to step forward to make the new MTA web site a dynamic focus for the M community.

Don Gall is president of Omega Computer Systems, Inc., and Chairman of the MTA Board of Directors. He an be reached via email at: dgall@omegalegal.com, or through the MTA office at 202-216-0267.