Volume 7, Number 1, Pages 3-4

Utility Code

by Armin van Harten

Armin van Harten posted this code to comp.lang.mumps. I received permission to share it with M Computing readers. Knowledge of German is useful, but not required. A machine readable copy can be obtained by saving the source code for this page. Code is used entirely at the risk and responsibility of the person making the copy.
-Kate Schell, Executive Editor

LIB ;string routinen;LIB;LIB;Diverse Stringroutinen;van Harten;micro - M; [ Rev.: 20.09.96 ]
 Q  ; no direct entry
UP1(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: first char of each word uppercase, rest lowercase --
 ; in :%00
 N UPC,LOC,X,%000
 S UPC="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ???[\]",LOC="abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz???{|}"
 S %00=$TR(%00,UPC,LOC)
 S %000=$TR(%00,"-,.'","    ") ; valid delimiters " -,.'"
 S X=1 F  S $E(%00,X)=$TR($E(%00,X),LOC,UPC),X=$F(%000," ",X) Q:'X
 Q %00
UP(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: translate all to uppercase --
 ; in :%00
 Q $TR(%00,"abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz???{|}","ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ???[\]")
CTRL(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: remove control char's --
 ;IN: %00    ;OUT: %00
 Q $TR(%00,$C(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31),"")
LOW(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: translate to lowercase --
 ; in : %00
 Q $TR(%00,"ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ???[\]","abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz???{|}")
NUM(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: convert to numeric from: nnn,nnn.dd or.nnn.nnn,dd format --
 ;IN :%00    ;OUT :%00
 S %00=$TR(%00,", ",".")
 S:($L(%00,".")>2) %00=$TR($P(%00,".",1,$L(%00,".")-1),".","")_"."_$P(%00,".",$L(%00,"."))
 S %00=+%00 ;force numeric
 Q %00
NFILL(%00,%L) ; -- FUNCTION: fill with leading zeros up to fixed length --
 ;  in: %00=numeric, %L=fieldlength
 N (%00,%L,%ERR)
 S %00=$$NUM(%00) ; standardize
 Q:$L(%00)=%L %00 ; ok!
 I $L(%00)>%L Q ""  ; error , par. mismatch
 Q $TR($J(%00,%L)," ","0") ; convert
WRAP(TXT,XW,I) ; -- ROUTINE: linewrap --
 ; in    : TXT = original textline
 ;       : XW  = linewidth
 ; out   : I   = no. outputlines
 ;       : XW  = if line doesnt fit in XW, XW contains min. poss. linewidth
 N J,%0T
 I $L(TXT)'>XW S TXT(1)=TXT,I=1 Q  ; no need to wrap
 S %0T=TXT
 F I=1:1 D  Q:'$L(%0T)
  . I $L(%0T)<XW S TXT(I)=%0T,%0T="" Q  ; rest
  . F J=XW:-1:0 Q:$E(%0T,J)=" "  ; find new lineend
  . S TXT(I)=$S(J=0:TXT,1:$E(%0T,1,J)) ; cut
  . S %0T=$S(J=0:"",1:$E(%0T,J+1,$L(%0T))) ;update buffer
  . S XW=$S($L(TXT(I))>XW:$L(TXT(I)),1:XW) ;update linewidth
  . Q
CLIPB(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: clip leading and trailing blanks --
 ; in :%00
 N I,J
 Q:'$L(%00) "" ; no chars
 I %00?1." "  Q "" ; blankstring
 F I=1:1:$L(%00) Q:$E(%00,I)'=" "  ; leading blanks up to .byte I
 F J=$L(%00):-1:I Q:$E(%00,J)'=" " ; trailing blanks down to byte J
 Q $E(%00,I,J) ; clip
CLIP(%00,%0A) ; -- FUNCTION: clip leading and trailing %0A's --
 ; in : %00
 ;      %0A    single char (any char)
 N I,J
 I '$L($TR(%00,%0A,"")) Q ""
 F I=1:1:$L(%00) Q:$E(%00,I)'=%0A
 F J=$L(%00):-1:I Q:$E(%00,J)'=%0A
 Q $E(%00,I,J) ; clip
UML(%00) ; -- FUNCTION: ersetze umlaute durch vokale (? ->AE,..)
 ; this routine solves a very german problem, quite nice
 ; in: %00
 S X="AE,OE,UE,ae,oe,ue,sz,AE,OE,UE,ae,oe,ue,sz",Y="???????[\]{|}~"
 F I=1:1:$L(Y) S A=$E(Y,I),B=$P(X,",",I) D:%00[A
  . ; -- replace   ju. --
  . S (P,PA)=1,X="",L=$L(%00),LA=$L(A)
  . F J=0:0 S P=$F(%00,A,P) Q:'P  S X=X_$E(%00,PA,P-LA-1)_B,PA=P
  . S %00=X_$E(%00,PA,L)
  . Q
 Q %00
REPL(%00,%0A,%0B) ; -- FUNCTION: replace string %0A with string %0B in string %00, VH --
 ; in :%00,%0A,%0B
 Q:'$L(%0A) %00
 Q:%00'[%0A %00
 S F=$F(%00,%0A),DA=$L(%0A),D=$L(%0B)-DA
 F  S $E(%00,F-DA,F-1)=%0B,F=$F(%00,%0A,F+D) Q:'F
 Q %00

Armin van Harten, has a degree in Meteorology and is a certified physician. He has 20 Years of experience in data processing as an analyst and developer and has used M since 1983. He has started the Institute of Medical Data Processing in Wetzlar and is hoping to become successful. He currently works part-time as a supervising doctor in a balneotherapeutic center for psoriasis treatment. Email: vanharten@aol.com