There are some questions that keep being asked again. So, here's another attempt at answering some questions about the LOCK command:
Before answering any of these questions that people ask me on a regular basis, let's first answer a question that puts the whole affair in perspective: "What is the LOCK command supposed to accomplish?".
What the LOCK command actually does is probably not what most novice users of the language might think it does: the command attempts to enter a name into a list of "LOCKed" names. When an occurrence of that name has already been entered into that list by a different process, the LOCK command will wait until that slot in the list is released (or when a time-out occurs).
The idea behind this mechanism is that one can issue a signal that indicates that "I'm working on this data element at the moment, and if you need to modify it too, please wait until I'm done."
Issuing that signal is all the LOCK command is supposed to do. The word "please" in the previous paragraph actually sums it up pretty nicely: if you don't want to heed the signal, you can go ahead and do whatever you want, but don't be surprised if my modifications to the data element in question undo all your efforts. After all, I did warn you.
It's just like a red traffic light: it's just a light. When it's red, nothing prevents you from continuing on, but when you do, don't be surprised to see flashing colorful lights or to have a painful encounter with other users of the same intersection who assumed that you would wait for them...
In other words, the LOCK command offers a "convention" by which programs can check whether someone else is already working on data elements that they are about to update. If each program "LOCKs" a application-specific name before such modifications, and "unLOCKs" that name when the work is done, then each other program that follows the same convention will just sit and wait until the other one is done, and all modifications to a data set will be neatly "serialized".
In a world where we're more and more looking at our data through a model that favors "class library functions" to modify data in global variables over "hard coded direct access" that offer the highest performance, it will become also more and more a matter of common practice that certain data elements will always be accessed through the same subroutine or function. In that case, it is by definition a given that all access to the data elements in question will follow the same conventions, and the use of signals issued by LOCK commands will actually become more useful than in some of the software that I see on occasion, where each programmer invented a different access method for different sub-applications.
The LOCK command attempts to enter names into a table. The names that are entered into this table are just that. They are names that are used "by convention" within a certain application to signal that certain activities are about to happen. So, supposing that I was about to update the payment record of one of my customers, I might use any of the following commands:
LOCK +Payment
LOCK +MyApp("Payment")
LOCK +^Cust(CID)
LOCK +^Cust(CID,"Pay")
LOCK +^MyApp("Pay",CID)
Assuming that local variable CID contains a customer ID and that the data in question is stored in ^Cust(CID,"Payment",date,TransactionID) and
^Cust(CID,"Balance"), only a few of these names bear a relation to the global variable in which the data is stored. The main issue is that, as long as all programs accessing the data in question will use the same name in the LOCK table, it does not matter what that name is.
It is common practice to choose a name that bears a direct relation to the sub-node in a global variable where the data is actually stored, but there is no requirement that such a name is chosen. (In fact, modern techniques would often not care what the physical data model is, and promote the use of "logical" names for the synchronization of data access.)
Since the name in the argument of a LOCK command is not required to be a name of an application-related global variable, and since the LOCK command does not access the database to enter names into its table, it does not allow naked references in its arguments. Also, when the LOCK command processes the names that do occur in its arguments, the fact that some of these names might have the syntax of the name of a global variable does not at all affect the status of the current naked indicator.
While using LOCK commands, it is very well possible that the following scenario happens:
Time | Process A | Process B |
10:05 | LOCK +A | |
10:07 | LOCK +B | |
10:11 | LOCK +B | |
10:15 | LOCK +A |
Process A will wait until process B will release its LOCK on the name "B", but process B will be waiting until process A would release its lock on the name "A". Since both processes will remain in "waiting" status, neither will complete their activities (which would include releasing the currently LOCKed names), and as a result, there is no normal condition that would allow both processes to complete their tasks.
When such a situation happens, a system manager can often abort one of such processes, thus allowing the other process to complete its task, but, in general, when such a situation occurs, both processes are basically "dead in the water".
In order to prevent such situations, it is possible to add a time-out on a LOCK argument:
The number following the colon indicates the number of seconds that the system will impose as the maximum time to wait until it would be possible to enter the name into the LOCK table.
When the name is successfully entered into the LOCK table, the LOCK command will complete (even if the 20 seconds have not yet completely elapsed), and the value of special variable $TEST will be set to 1 (true).
If it is not possible to enter the name successfully into the table after this time-out has expired, the LOCK command will complete, the value of special variable $TEST will be set to 0 (false).
If an application cannot successfully LOCK a name that really needs to be LOCKed before proceeding, that application will have to attempt to undo anything that has already been accomplished ("rollback") and then possibly try to "restart" the current activity. (In the context of "transaction processing" such corrective action could be automated, but that is a subject for a different column.)
The easy answer to the question about "at which level does one LOCK a name?" is "at the appropriate level". Of course, this is an answer that has the advantage of being absolutely correct, and the disadvantage of being absolutely useless...
Suppose that we have an activity that involves changing values of descendants of ^Cust.
If we wish to use the name of a "descendant" of ^Cust in a LOCK command, then we have a choice:
LOCK +^Cust when the activity is one that involves modifications in the records of many customers at the same time. If the transaction involves only one customer, it makes no sense to put all other programs "on hold", while all they want to do is make modifications to records of other customers.
LOCK +^Cust(CID) when the action in question makes multiple changes to the record of a single customer.
Similarly, when the transaction only affects one specific sub-node of a customer: LOCK at the deepest level that makes sense. After all, the "deeper" the argument of the LOCK command, the smaller the number of other programs that will have to wait.
On the other hand, LOCK at a level that is high enough that all modifications that are made by the current transaction are covered by the LOCK.
Sometimes, it helps to choose a reference that would reduce waiting time for other users when attempting to LOCK a name.
For instance, if we would want to add a customer to our database, we would need to execute the procedure that would establish the next higher unique customer ID number. That procedure could LOCK +^Cust and figure things out, but that would put all users on hold who want to make modifications to individual customer records, and who would not at all look at the data that involves unique customer ID numbers. Using a command like LOCK +^Cust("Unique") would make much more sense in this case (whether or not there actually is a node in the customer database that is described by that name).
In ANSI Standard M[UMPS], it does not matter whether a name that is being LOCKed is a "local" or a "global" one. All that matters in this context is that the name does not yet appear in the table (nor one of its "descendents", nor one of its "ancestors").
In many actual implementations, there is a difference.
Most implementations allow for multiple "environments" or "name-spaces" (sometimes called "UCIs"). Each of these "environments" may have a set of global variables with similar names. When the argument of a LOCK command is a name of a global variable, these implementations will implicitly pre-pend the name of the environment to the name to be entered into the LOCK table.
This means that the use of a name of a local variable in such an implementation will create a LOCK that spans all environments, whereas the names of global variables will only LOCK that name for their own environment.
In the examples above, all occurrences of the LOCK command have shown an argument that was preceded with a plus sign. There are three possible prefixes for the argument of a LOCK command:
In order to allow for the situation where subroutine A invokes subroutine B and both subroutines implement their own LOCKing conventions, it is imperative to use the LOCK + mechanism. Allowing for the possibility that both subroutines use the same name for their synchronization conventions, e.g. both subroutines issue the command
the LOCK mechanism should not release the LOCK that subroutine A holds when subroutine B issues its corresponding
In order to accomplish this, the number of occurrences of LOCK for a name must be equal to the number of occurrences of LOCK +, in other words: both subroutine A and subroutine B have to issue their own LOCK command.
LOCK is a useful mechanism to establish conventions that ensure reliable synchronization and serialization of activities that might affect the same data elements.
Of course, like any other convention, any usage of the LOCK command will only work when all participating programmers embrace the same interpretation of this convention.
Ed de Moel is past chairman of the MDC
and works with Jacquard Systems Research.
His experience includes developing software for research in medicine
and physics.
Over the past ten years, Ed's has mostly focused on the production
of tools for data management and analysis, and tools for the support
of day-to-day operation of medical systems.
Ed can be
reached by e-mail.