As medical laboratories become more and more automated, both the quantity and complexity of raw data generated continues to increase. This paper discusses a utility written using M's flexible database capacities, particularly the ability to store data in both static and dynamic forms. This set of utilities automates the collection of data from several laboratory-testing machines, using a rule database to calculate results. The analysis process, which when done manually can take a technician up to 12 hours per sample plate, is accomplished in less than a second using the programs described. Results are then automatically transmitted into a commercial lab system for reporting. Besides an increase in speed, testing shows that accuracy of results and compliance with complex rules also result.
This project was initiated by Athena Diagnostics, Inc. in Worcester Massachusetts, because the introduction of a Tecan Automated Pipetting machine vastly increased the number of samples that could be prepared for analysis by each technician.
Pipetting is a process labs use to transfer small quantities of liquids (blood or serum, for instance) for the purpose of testing for abnormalities. The pipette, which looks like a glass straw, is inserted into the test tube containing the samples, and a vacuum extracts a measured amount. This sample is then expelled onto a plastic plate that has small depressions on it, called cells. Each cell contains a chemical that will attach to one element of the sample-the one being tested for. Another chemical is then added which darkens according to the amount of the abnormality present. The plates are then inserted into a machine called a Plate Reader that shines light up through the plate and takes readings of the resulting light intensities. These numbers then require analysis according to pre-determined algorithms to determine if the amount of abnormality is a significant indication of the disease.
The manual process requires lab technicians to pipette each sample one at a time. The Tecan automates the pipetting process by accepting a rack of test tubes, each with a bar-coded label. The Tecan scans the entire rack's bar codes with one pass of a wand. It then pipettes eight samples at a time, automatically diluting them to specification and depositing the samples onto plates according to its map database.
The Tecan is capable of creating 40 plates at a time. The output from the Tecan is a set of files, one per plate, consisting of a map of where accessions are located on each bar-coded plate.
After incubating, the plates are optically scanned for the density by the Plate Reader, and a file of raw density values is generated. Because of the limited range of responses required by the Plate Reader's menu of questions, it was decided to print out the responses in a bar-coded font into a notebook using one page for each test. This allows the end users to process the large number of plates that come off the Tecan without any actual typing. It also ensures consistency of input.
In this project, DataTree M was used on a Pentium PC running Windows 95. The PC is on the same network as the Tecan and Plate Reader machines, so that the M program can combine their information and produce the results.
The Tecan produces one file per plate, which contains the plate's bar-coded ID and a map of which accessions are in what position on each plate.
The Plate Reader outputs the plate's ID and a matrix of density values for each position on the plate. The automated calculation program, dubbed AutoCalc, reads in both sets of files. Using each Plate's ID as the key, AutoCalc reconnects the accession numbers to each sample's density reading and then proceeds to analyze the data.
Everywhere possible, information was stored as data, rather than hard-coded. For instance, the locations of the Tecan and Plate Reader files are stored in a database accessible under password-protected Manager options, anticipating the eventuality of changing locations of machines, upgrading, network configuration changes, etc. By creating this information as data, rather than code, the program can be maintained by end users.
The second level of information stored as data in this project are Test Definitions. Each laboratory test has about fifty different data items defining it, including demographic data to identify tests and technical data used in calculation formulas. By storing as much of this information as possible as data elements, the program can be kept up-to-date by end users on a daily basis.
By using M's capability to store data in an executable form, even the names of the analysis routines were stored as data. This allows for new tests to be added over time, without having to alter the previously validated code. New analysis programs can be coded and tested, and then come online as soon as they are added as a new entry into the test database.
As more and more tests were added to the database, it became clear that there was a set of rules that were being used for many different tests: analysis of control levels, comparing dilutions, etc.
Rather than copying the same code over for each new test, a rule database was developed. Once a rule has been coded and validated, subsequent lab tests can call this codelet without the need either for recoding or revalidation. Corrections in any of these subroutines are immediately reflected in all the tests that use it.
Three other benefits accrue from this method:
1. The first is shortened development time. Since the database and analysis engines are already developed, adding tests requires calls to mostly existing code.
2. The analysis routines themselves are shrunk down into a very readable set of calls to rules. By naming the rules in a way that clearly describes their function, the routines look very much like the original specification in English (e.g., Check_Controls, Compute_Averages, etc.).
3. By commenting the rule code using consistent form, an M program was written which reads the AutoCalc routines as data, and produces a listing of the computation process. This kind of documentation is required by lab overseeing agencies. Because the documentation is generated by the actual code that does the analysis, it is always up-to-date.
In order to accommodate the varying needs of the staff, and also because of differences in the way certain tests are performed, the AutoCalc utility is programmed to run in Batch Single Plate or Real-Time Modes.
Batch processing allows for large numbers of identical plates to be created by the Tecan, read by the Plate Reader and stored into a file for processing later.
Real-Time mode is used on plates that need to be incubated variable amounts of time. The technicians take the plate off the Tecan, wait the prescribed amount of time, and then read them. In Real-Time mode, the AutoCalc program continually scans the Plate Reader's disk. As soon as a new plate is read by the Plate Reader and its data exported to DOS, the AutoCalc program processes its data and displays its analysis, including whether or not the plate's controls are within range. If so, their results are filed. If not, it can alert the users when to next read the plate.
Since a large number of samples are done on each plate, it is possible to define rules which accept some of the samples when they are incubated enough, freeze those results, and then let the plate process longer until the rest of the samples come in range. (This is very difficult to do manually.)
Single plate mode allows for non-Tecan plates to be processed. Since these plates do not have the accession number mapped by the Tecan, the users must enter them, either by hand, or with a barcode wand.
Ultimately, software systems exist to produce output. This set of utilities also includes a laser output capability that prints a depiction of the plate, complete with data values calculated at each step of the process (averages, differences, etc.). The quality of laser output allows for the use of fonts and shading to highlight positive and faulty results for ease of reading.
Besides producing plate images, management reports are automatically generated, with statistics to aid laboratory managers.
The final step in the processing of a sample is getting the results back into the lab system (in this case Antrim's Laboratory Database). Since most vendors do not like sites to write directly into their files, an automated script for data entry through user screens was devised.
AutoCalc outputs the results down to a series of DOS files. Using ProComm's scripting language, these files are read and then transmitted as though a user was typing them into the lab system. This way, Antrim's screens can validate the data entered, without using up the valuable time of trained laboratory technicians to type results.
These scripts are also driven by the same M database that drives the rest of AutoCalc. Scripting information is output with each day's results, so the definitions are always up-to-date. This means that a new test that is added into the M dictionary will automatically be filed, printed and transmitted correctly, without any need for test-specific programming.
Inevitably, some samples fail the analysis process because of any number of problems: contamination, bad sample material, or because further dilutions are required. These failed accessions and the reasons for failure are exported by AutoCalc to a separate DOS file. A rescheduling script automates the rerunning of these samples by interacting with Antrim's rescheduling as if it were a user. AutoCalc also outputs detailed explanations about what caused the failure, for later manager reporting.
Automation of laboratory processes, which can greatly increase the quantity of specimens a lab can process, can cause bottlenecks when it comes time to analyze and record all the data generated.
Using some of M's unique database capabilities, it is possible to analyze these data as fast as they are generated. This results in the increased consistency of the application of rules and even allows for rule-sets that are too complex for users to apply manually. Results, as well as rescheduling, can then be automatically entered into any commercial lab database system.
By using barcode wands, this entire process can be accomplished with little or no actual data entry by users (eliminating the potential for mistakes).
Using laser output, large amounts of detailed information can be reported about the analysis process, with important data highlighted for ease of reading. Automated managers reports, as well as printouts of the rules used in each tests analysis create an audit trail for QA compliance reports and assure increased reliability of results over manual systems.
This automation process has resulted in increases in speed, accuracy of results, and greater compliance with complex rules.
Max Rivers is CEO of Simple Windows, Inc. located in western Mass., as well as being an M consultant for over 15 years. He can be reached at