In the various versions of the ANSI M[UMPS] standard there have been different texts for the specification of how precise the result of mathematical operations should be. Although it was "intuitively clear" to everyone what was intended, the older words could also be interpreted to mean something quite different. The older texts read like "Implement-ations shall represent numeric quantities with at least ... significant digits", where the actual number grew slowly larger as time progressed. The current text is much longer:
Implementations shall represent numeric quantities with at least 15 significant digits. The error introduced by any single instance of the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, integer division, or modulo shall not exceed one part in 1015. The error introduced by exponentiation shall not exceed one part in 107.
This is more specific about what was intended.
While nobody actually implemented it this way, the old text could be interpreted to mean: if an implementation thinks that 3+2000 equals 1903 and represents that number in the appropriate number of digits, such an implementation would meet the standard. This, of course, sounds ridiculous, and luckily, no vendor ever created such an implementation.
But, however much the MDC has refined this text, it still is based on the assumption that one knows what the correct result is, and that one can measure how much difference exists between this correct result, and the result that is produced by the computer. In the case of an addition like 3+2000 it may sound patronizing to make such a remark, but in the case of "square root of π divided by measured length" it becomes a whole lot easier to understand that one cannot always exactly predict or verify that result is indeed as exact as it should be (and we're not even thinking yet about the error introduced by performing the measurement of that length, before any numbers are input into the computer).
One specific type of subtraction is performed very often on computers: age = thisyear - birthyear (give or take one). We are coming to the point where some people are going to see surprising results in this context. Let's say that dates are stored in the database in VA-FileMan format or in MUMPS's traditional $HOROLOG format. This means that we can feel comfortable about the "year 2000 problem", because these formats encode the year in such a way that this particular problem is prevented. Or is it?
Let's say that the year-number is computed from the "internal" value using one of the utility functions that are available on "your" system. Some of those have a parameter that specifies how many digits are to be used for the year-number, some always return two digits, some always return 4 digits, and some return 2 digits for a year in "this" century and 4 digits for a year in any other century. Now, here comes the fun. This year, my age could be computed as 97-54=43, four years from now, it could be 2001-54=1947 (Hey grandpa, did you have a Dino for a pet? Was the television coverage of Julius Caesar's stabbing anything like with Kennedy's?).
Well, that would be an easy error to correct for, isn't it? All it takes to make this right is an extrinsic function that calls the original function and has
Set:year<100 year=year+1900
before the year-number is returned as the function-value.
Would it really be that simple? How many of those date-conversion function base their understanding of the term "this century" on the date when the function is executed? In that case, the calculation would be: 1-1954=-1953, or with the above-mentioned correction, the outcome would be 1+1900-1954=-53.
In either case, the software might realize that my age would be less than 5 years old, and try to send my parents a reminder that I'd have to show up for kindergarten in the year 2059 (or 3959 as the case might be).
Many of us allow our end-users to enter dates in various formats, and convert any input format to a standard format in which these dates are stored.
How many programs would there be that allow for data entry with two-digit year numbers. And then convert the year-value by "correcting" IF year<100 SET year=year+1900?
Today that will work just fine. But when the same program is run 4 years from now, it will store the date of birth of an infant that is born in 2003 (entered as 03) as if the person was born in 1903.
In this case, there won't be any automatic reminder letters for their mumps booster shots and all those other inoculations that our infants need to get. There might be a reminder letter for their annual glaucoma check, but that will be about it.
Indeed, if 03+century is calculated wrong, it doesn't matter very much that both VA-FileMan and $HOROLOG store that value with the century information intact.
1. In VA-FileMan, a date is represented as a numeric value based on the numeric values of the year, month and day. The value is (in MUMPS arithmetic) year-1700*100+month*100+day. For my birthday in this year, that would look like 2970217, and for my birthday 4 years from now, it would be 3010217. Assuming anyone would still care in the year 2876, the value would be 11760217.
Ed de Moel is past chairman of the MDC
and works with Jacquard Systems Research.
His experience includes developing software for research in medicine
and physics.
Over the past ten years, Ed's has mostly focused on the production
of tools for data management and analysis, and tools for the support
of day-to-day operation of medical systems.
Ed can be
reached by e-mail.