Ed de Moel

Transpose Guitar Chords

Select original key:
Click on any key to select
Ab/Fm Eb/Cm Bb/Gm F/Dm C/Am G/Em D/Bm A/F#m E/C#m B/G#m
F#/D#m C#/A#m G#/E#m D#/B#m A#/F##m E#/C##m B#/G##m Fb/Dbm Cb/Abm Gb/Ebm Db/Bbm
Select target key:
Click on any key to select
Ab/Fm Eb/Cm Bb/Gm F/Dm C/Am G/Em D/Bm A/F#m E/C#m B/G#m
F#/D#m C#/A#m G#/E#m D#/B#m A#/F##m E#/C##m B#/G##m Fb/Dbm Cb/Abm Gb/Ebm Db/Bbm

Original chords:
Insert tildes (~) to create horizontal spacing)
Lines that start with an equal sign (=) are rendered "as is".

Render with ♯ and ♭ rather than # and b