Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Brief Description by George Lyman Kittredge

218. The False Lover Won Back

Two pretty stanzas in A (4, 5) seem not to belong to the story. The inconstant youth would have been only too glad to have the faithful maid look to other men, and gives her all liberty to do so. These two stanzas are first found in Herd's Manuscripts, 1, 53, and in Herd's Ancient and Modern Scottish Songs, 1776, u, 6, as follows:

False luve, and hae ye played me this,
In the simmer, mid the flowers?
I sail repay ye back agen,
In the winter, mid the showers.
Bot again, dear luve, and again, dear luve,
Will ye not turn again?
As ye look to ither women,
Sail I to ither men.

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