Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - End-Notes

Robin Hood's Golden Prize

a.  Robin Hoods Golden Prize.
  He met two priests upon the way,
And forced them with him to pray.
For gold they prayed, and gold they had,
Enough to make bold Robin glad.
His share came to four hundred pound,
That then was told upon the ground;
Now mark, and you shall hear the jest;
You never heard the like exprest.
Tune is, Robin Hood was a tall young man.
London, Printed for F. Grove on Snow-hill.
Entred according to order. Finis, L.P. F. Grove's date, according to Mr. Chappell, is 1620-55. Ritson says that the ballad was entered in the Stationers' book by Francis Grove, 2d June, 1656.
b.  Robin Hoods Golden Prize: Shewing how he robbed two priests of five hundred pound.
The tune is, Robin Hood was a tall young man.
41. gone past.
61. all the.
71. holy dame: priest.
92. Then wanting.
101. hold on.
131. with a.
154. fellow.
174. he for was.
184. For praying so.
191. pounds.
193. not to.
231. it wanting.
c.  Title the same: except, Tune is.
24. he is.
41. gone past.
71. holy dame.
92. Then wanting.
101. holt of.
131. with a.
151. now wanting.
171. pain: both wanting.
183. each one shall.
191. pounds.
241. upon wanting.
d.  Title as in c.
Printed for William Thackeray at the Angel in Duck-lane. (1689.)
11,bold wanting.
22. think was never known.
41. gone past.
71. holy dame.
83. before you do go.
91. so say.
101. hold on.
111. you 'd: quoth Robin Hood.
122. kneel.
131. with a.
143. let us.
151. now wanting.
152. the wanting.
154. fellow.
162. could.
171. pain: both wanting.
174. he for was.
183. each one shall.
191. pounds.
192. doth for did.
201. up wanting.
223. unto sin.
233. with wanting.
241. on for upon.

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