Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - End-Notes

Robin Hood and Allen a Dale

a.  Robin Hood and Allin of Dale: Or, a pleasant relation how a young gentleman being in love with a young damsel, which was taken from him to be an old knight's bride, and how Robin Hood, pittying the young mans case, took her from the old knight, when they were going to be marryed, and restored her to her own true love again.

Bold Robin Hood he did the young man right,
And took the damsel from the doteiug knight.

To a pleasant northern tune, or, Robin Hood in the green wood stood.
With allowance. Printed for F. Cole, T. Vere, J. Wright and J. Clarke. (Coles, Vere and Wright, 1655-80, J. Clarke, 1650-82: Chappell.)
114. Alllin.
181. wealhty.
228. man-id.
b.  Title, etc., as in a.
With allowance. Printed for Alex. Milbourn, in Green-Arbor-Court, in the Little-Old-Baily. (Alexander Melbourne 1670-97: Chappell.)
13. tell you.
23. he was aware.
102. she was from me tane.
161. dost thou here.
162. unto.
184. like the.
191. not a fit: qd.
252. for wanting.
261. then wanting.
263. And wanting.
271. having ende of.
272. lookt like a.
c.  Robin Hood and Allen a Dale: Or, the manner of Robin Hood's rescuing a young lady from an old knight to whom she was going to be married, and restoring her to Allen a Dale, her former love.
To the tune of Robin Hood in the green wood.
No printer. Sold in Bow-Church-Yard, London.
13. tell you.
23. aware.
43. spy.
52. quite for clean.
62. Midge for Nick.
93. these seven.
102. she was from me taen.
112. any wanting.
134. for wanting.
161. do wanting: then for he.
162. unto me.
171. then for he.
184. Who shone like the glittering.
191. not a fit.
194. she wanting.
223. at the.
243. Robin he.
244. This coat.
251. to for into.
252. for wanting.
261. me wanting: maid, says.
272. bride she lookd like a.

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