Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - End-Notes

Sir Patrick Spens

A. a.  13. quhar.
51. quha.
53. zeir.
111. have owre, have owr.
b.  In this copy Sir Andrew Wood replaces Sir Patrick Spens throughout.
84. They wat thair heads aboone.
At the end of version B Herd says, 'The foundation of the preceding song seems to have been the same story with that under the title of 'Sir Andrew Wood' in the former volume [of 1769]. In the Relicks of Antient Poetry is a copy somewhat different from either. We cannot suppose, after this, that Herd took his copy from Percy and altered it, and yet, excepting the variations noted above, and haff for have in 111, the copies are the same to a letter. If Herd's copy was one of the two used by Percy, what was the other? Was there, after all, but one copy again, as in the case of 'King Estmere'?
B.  O is added, in singing, to every second and fourth verse. Also in D, E, F, H.
A. a.  142. I thing.
F.  14. In a smaller hand, and detached from the preceding, as if added later.
G.  After 4 occurs this stanza, almost verbally repeated in 9, and improperly anticipating matters, according to the arrangement of the story in this version:
Be 't wind, be't weet, be 't snaw, be't sleet,
Our ships maun sail the morn:
Ever alack! my master dear,
For I fear a deadly storm.
H.  244. perhaps driven.
K.  'Spendin the queen's meat an her fee' was said by the reciter to belong to the ballad, though the connection was not remembered.
132. Var.: 'An langer will she stan.
L.  1 is 5 and 5 is 1 in the Manuscript

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