Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - End-Notes

A.  53,4. Var. For Kempy Kay will be here the night
Or else the morn at een.
94. Var. Was like a lintseed bow.
These variations are found in Sharpe's copy. The first seven stanzas al'e put in the order 1, 6, 7, 3, 2, 4, 5.
21. I 'm coming.
34. Full ten wobs it would be.
41,3. fair maiden, fairest maiden.
52. bruchty.
63. And in.
74. Between his een.
101. tauchty is misprinted lauchty.
104. War hinging.
113. An down down.
123. teeth, no doubt to indicate the pronunciation.
B. a..  41. Whan Kempy Kaye. Other copies show that it must be the father, and not the wooer.
63. ae, with ay in the margin: qu: aye as?
b.  The variations of the Ballad Book are apperently arbitrary.
12. Far far.
84. o dirt.
After 9 follows:
Ilka hair that was on her head
      Was like a heather cow,
And ilka louse that lookit out
      Was like a lintseed bow.
a4 succeeds, with Kempy Kaye for auld Goling, and is necessarily transferred if the reading Kempy Kaye is retained.
C.  The order of the first five stanzas in the manuscript is 1, 2, 5, 4, 3.
A wee is the burden after every second and fourth verse, and so with D.
11,2. In Motherwell's Minstrelsy, Appendix, p. xxiv, No xxx.
Kempy Kane's a wooin gane,
      And far ayont the sea awee.
32. years.
52. on a stool.
D.  The first stanza is numbered 3 in the Manuscript, the second 5, and there is space left, as if for another, between 2 and 3.
E.  A wee, originally a burden at the middle and the end of the stanza, as in C, D, has been adopted into the verse in 1, 2, 6, 10(?), 11, in which stanzas the even lines are of four accents instead of three. 2, 6 can be easily restored, on the model of C 3, A 6.
54. in the water.
G.  I, I, I is added as burden to every second and fourth line; except 12, which adds high, high, and 24, only I, I.

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