Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

274. Our Goodman

P. 89 f. French. Add: La Tradition, VII, 145, Le Quercy.

P. 88 a. [A version similar to that in Smith's Scotish Minstrel, but not absolutely identical, is mentioned in Blätter f. literarische Unterhaltung, 1855, p. 236, as contained, with a German translation, in " Ten Scottish Songs rendered into German. By W.B. Macdonald of Rammerscales. Scottish and German. Edinburgh, 1854." Professor Child refers to this version in a Manuscript note. A specimen of the translation is given in the journal just cited, as well as enough of the Scotch to show that the copy is not exactly like Smith's. "Vetter Macintosh" and "der Fürst Karl" are mentioned. Macdonald's book is not at this moment accessible. G.L.K.]

89 f., 281 a. 'Le Jaloux, ou Les Répliques de Marion;' add version from Normandy (prose), Revue des Traditions populaires, X, 136; Hautes-Pyrenees, p. 515.

The copy in Le chroniqueur du Périgord et de Limousin is 'La rusade,' Poésies pop. de la France, Manuscripts, III, fol. 84. The copy in Le Pèlerinage de Mireille (A. Lexandre), is from Provence, and closely resembles that in Daudet's Numa Roumestan.

Italian. Add 'Marion,' Rivista delle Tradizioni pop. italiane, II, 34-37. 'O Violina ' is repeated, very nearly, in a Tuscan Filastrocca, Rivista delle Tradizioni pop. italiane, II, 474 f.; see also Archivio, III, 43, No 18. A Polish ballad has some little similarity: Kolberg, Lud, XXI, 54, No 112.

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