Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

269. Lady Diamond

[P. 29 a. Zupitza, Die mittelenglischen Bearbeitungen der Erzählung Boccaccio's von Ghismonda u. Guiscardo, in Geiger's Vierteljahrsschrift f. Kultur u. Litteratur der Renaissance, 1886, I, 63 ff.]

29. Italian. D. 'Ricardo e Germonda,' communicated by P. Mazzucchi, Castelguglielmo, July, 1894, to Rivista delle Tradizioni pop. italiane, I, 691.

[32 ff. On these stories of the husband who gives his wife her lover's heart to eat, see H. Patzig, Zur Geschichte der Herzmäre, Berlin, 1891.]

34. A is translated by Professor Emilio Teza, 'Donna Brigida,' in Rassegna Napolitana, II, 63, 1895.

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