P. 241. For the subject in general, and particularly 'el santo niño de la Guardia,' see further H.C. Lea, in The English Historical Review, IV, 229, 1889.
242 b, fourth paragraph. See J. Loeb, Un mémoire de Laurent Ganganelli sur la calomnie du meurtre rituel, in Revue des Etudes juives, XVIII, 179 ff., 1889. (G.L.K.) For the other side: Il sangue cristiano nei riti ebraici della moderna sinagoga. Versione dal greco del Professore N.F.S. Prato, 1883. Henri Desportes, Le mystère du sang chez les Juifs de tous les temps. Paris, 1889.
246 b. E 5. The following stanza was inserted by Motherwell as a variation in a copy of his Minstrelsy afterwards acquired by Mr. P.A. Ramsay:
249 ff. A version resembling H-M, O has been kindly communicated by Mr. P.Z. Round.
Written down April, 1891, by Mrs. W.H. Gill, of Sidcup, Kent, as recited to her in childhood by a maidservant in London.
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