Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

66. Lord Ingram and Chiel Wyet

P. 127 a. Sword in bed.

Add the following references, communicated by Dr. R. Köhler. Gonzenbach, Sicilianische Marchen, Nos 39, 40, I, 272, 279; Bladé, Contes p. de la Gascogne, I, 284; Leskien u. Brugman, Litauische Volkslieder u. Märchen, p. 394, Marchen 11, and Wollner's note, p. 548; Pio, Νεοελληνικὰ Παραμύθια, No 10, p. 174; a Latin tale in Jahrbuch für romanische u. englische Literatur, XI, 231; Prym u. Socin, Syrische Sagen u. Märchen, No 7, p25; Gaster, Beiträge zur vergleichenden Sagen- u. Märchenkunde, p. 28; Generides, ed. Furnivall, p. 202, v. 6511 ff, ed. Wright, 3921 ff; the French Bevis of Hampton, and (through Amis and Amiloun) one version of the Seven Sages, epitomized in Loiseleur des Longchamps, Essai sur les Fables indiennes, Rajna, Ricerchi intorno ai Reali di Francia, p. 121, and Origini dell' Epopea francese, p. 406; Lane, Thousand and One Nights, III, 346, Story of Seyf El-Mulook (A. Weber); Weber, Ueber eine Episode im Jaimini-Bhârata, Monatsberichte der Berliner Akademie, 1869, p. 40; Reinisch, Die Nuba-Spracbe, I, 190; Consiglieri Pedroso, Portuguese Folk-Tales, Folk-Lore Society, No 25, p. 100 (lance for sword).

The King of the Crows (a man by night) puts a naked sword between himself and his wife. Bladé, Contes pop. de la Gascogne, I, 21. G.L.K.

127 b. Jumping over tables. See, also, I, 502 a, note to p. 194, and 502 b, note to 198 b. Add to the Polish ballads in the last, Roger, p. 13, Nos 25, 26; in 25 the bride jumps three, in 26 she jumps four and knocks over a fifth with her foot. R. Köhler notes a Slavic hallad of the same set, translated by Max Waldau, Deutsches Museum, 1851, I, 134. Nastaya (see I, 200) jumps over a table to gd to Dohrynya, Hilferding, col. 810, No 157; Miss J.F. Hapgood's Epic Songs of Russia, p. 267.

Herr Lave, in the favorite and excellent Scandinavian ballad, 'Herr Lave og Herr Jon,' jumps over the table when be is told "nu sover Hr. Jon hos unge Bruddin," Kristensen, II, 304, No 86, C 13: so Kristensen, I, 172, No 62, A 5; Wigström, Folkdiktning, I, 71, No 34, stanza 15; Öberg, Filikromen, III, 32, 35, stanza 15; Grundtvig, No 275, 'Hr. Find og Vendel rod,' stanza 12. Liebrecbt, Engliscbe Studien, IX, 447, adds E. Wigström, Folkdiktning, I, 14, 'Agneta och bergamannen,' stanza 18.

Alexander, in disguise, jumps over Darius's table, Kyng Alisaunder, 4236-39, Weber, I, 114; Garadue jumps the table in the Lai du Corn, Wolf, Ueber die Lais, vv. 551-54, p. 340. The Soudan of Dammas, Kyng: of Tars, vv. 97 ff, Ritson, II, 160, and King Richard, Richard Coer de Lion, vv. 1795-98, Weber, II, 71, smite the table down. G.L.K.

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