Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

60. King Estmere

P. 49, note †. "Was lough a loud laughter the reading of the folio?" "A loud laughter the ladie lought," Percy Folio, I, 190, 'The Lord of Learne,' v. 215. G.L.K.

51, and 54, stanza 49. Riding into Hall. Sir Percival rides so close to King Arthur that his mare kisses Arthur's forehead, v. 494 ff; knocks off the king's hat, Chrestien de Troyes, 2125 ff (the kissing is a mistranslation); he binds his mare in the hall, v. 599, Thornton Romances. Lancelot rides into hall in Morte Arthur, v. 1555, p. 60, ed. Furnivall. Dame Tryamour rides into hall in the English Launfal, v. 973 ff, Ritson, Met. Rom., I, 212; Lanval, v. 617 ff, Warnke, Lais der Marie de France, p. 111.

Floris ende Blancefloer, ed. Moltzer, p. 29, v. 1055: F. Liebrecht.

Floire et Blanceflor, ed. Du Me>il, v. 665 f, p. 28. Torrent of Portugal, ed. Halliwell, v. 1143 ff, p. 49: Torrent and others ride into the king's hall during meat, Torrent even 'up to the lady.' Le Bel Inconnu, ed. Hippeau, vv. 71-89, p. 4. Ipomydon, ed. Weber, vv. 1651 ff, III, 341: Ipomydon, disguised as a fool, goes to the king's court on a rouncy, and when told to go to meat ties his horse 'fast him by;' into the hall came riding a may. G.L.K.

51 b, the third paragraph. "En ces temps-la, dit la Chronique Générale d'Espagne, les rois, comtes, nobles, et tous les chevaliers, afin d'être prêts a toute heure, tenaient leurs chevaux dans la salle où ils couchaient avec leurs femmes: Taine, Les Origines de la France contemporaine, I, 10 f." F. Liebrecht. "E assy los reyes e condes e los altos omes e todos los otros caualleros que se presçiauan de armas, todos parauan los cauallos dentro en las camaras donde tenien sus lechos donde dormian con sus mugeres, porque, luego que cyan dar el apellido, touiessen prestos sus cauallos e sus armas, e que caualgassen luego sin otra tardança ninguna." Crónica de España, ed. 1541, Third Part, fol. cclxxv.

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