Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

45. King John and the Bishop

P. 405 b, II, 506, IV, 459 b. Another Magyar version in Zs. f. vergleichende Literaturgeschichte, N. F. V, 467.

[P. 405 ff., II, 506 f., IV, 459 b, V, 216 a. A Christian ascetic has taken up his abode in a hogshead, on which he has written, "If thou art wise, live as I live!" The sultan puts three questions to him: How far is it to heaven? At how much do you value me? Which is the best religion? The penalty for failure to solve them is to be dragged at the tail of the sultan's horse. The answers are: A day's journey; twenty-nine silver pieces; neither of the two religions is the better, for the two are God's eyes, one of which is as dear to him as the other. Von Wlislocki, M. u. S. der Bukowinaer u. Siebenbürger Armenier, 'Der weise Mann,' No 30, p. 83 ff.]

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