Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

44. The Twa Magicians

P. 400 a, II, 506 b. E, F, partly, in Revue des Traditions populaires, I, 104 f. (Q was previously cited as J.) Q. 'Les Transformations,' Avenay, Marne, Gaston Paris, in Rev. des Trad, pop., I, 98; R, Haute-Bretagne, Sébillot, the same, p. 100; S, Le Morvan, Tiersot, p. 102; T, Tarn-et-Garonne, the same, II, 208. U. 'Les Métamorphoses,' Finistere, Rolland, IV, 32, c; V, environs de Brest, the same, p. 33, d. E is printed by Rolland, IV, 30, b.

Italian. A ballad in Nigra, No 59, p. 329, 'Amore inevitabile.'

401 a. Vuk, I, No 602, is translated in Bowring's Servian Popular Poetry, p. 195.

In a Magyar-Croat ballad the lover advises the maid, who has been chidden by her mother on his account, if her mother repeats the scolding, to turn herself into a fish, then he will be a fisherman, etc. Kurelac, p. 309, XV, 2. (W.W.)

401 b, last two paragraphs.

Other specimens of the first kind (not in Köhler's note to Gonzenbach, II, 214) are:

Luzel, Annuaire de la Société des Traditions populaires, II, 56; Baissac, Folk-Lore de l'Île Maurice, p. 88 ff.; Wigström, Sagor ock Äfventyr uppt. i Skåne, p. 37; Luzel, Revue des Traditions populaires, I, 287, 288; Luzel, Contes pop. de Basse-Bretagne, II, 13, 41 ff., cf. 64-66; Vernaleken, Kinder- u. Hausmärchen, No 49, p. 277; Bladé, Contes pop. de la Gascogne, II, 26-36; Carnoy, Contes populaires picards, Romania, VIII, 227. Cf. also Ortoli, Contes pop. de l'Île de Corse, pp. 27-29, and Cosquin's notes (which do not cite any of the above-mentioned places), Contes pop. de Lorraine, I, 105 ff.

Other specimens of the second kind:

Luzel, Contes pop. de Basse-Bretagne, II, 92-95, and note; Haltrich, Deutsche Volksmärchen aus dem Sachsenlande, u.s.w., 3d ed., 1882, No 14, p. 52 f.. (G.L.K.)

402 a, last paragraph. "The pursuit in various forms by the witch lady has an exact counterpart in a story of which I have many versions and which I had intended to give if I had room. It is called 'The Fuller's Son,' 'The Cotter's Son,' and other names, and it bears a strong resemblance to the end of the Norse tale of 'Farmer Weathersky.' " Campbell, Pop. Tales of the West Highlands, IV, 297. (G.L.K.)

To be Corrected in the Print.

400a,I. Read II, 360.

To be Corrected in the Print.

506 b, 44, 400 a. Drop Q, etc.. Note to 401, drop Revue des Traditions, etc..

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