Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

43. The Broomfield Hill

P. 392 b, III, 506. Sleep-thorn, sleep-pin. Add: Curtin, Myths and Folk-Lore of Ireland, 1890, pp. 40, 130 ff., 200; Hyde, Beside the Fire, Irish-Gaelic Folk-Stories, p. 43; Maclnnes, Folk and Hero Tales, 1890, p. 141 (cf. p. 459).

Sleep-pin, Wlisłocki, M. u. S. der transylvanischen Zigeuner, p. 46 . Compare the wand in J.H. Knowles's Folk-Tales of Kashmir, p. 199. (G.L.K.)

393, III, 506 b. Italian. 'La bella Brunetta,' Ferrari, C. p. in San Pietro Capofiume; 'La Bevanda sonnifera,' Giannini, Canzoni del Contado di Massa Lunense, Archivio, VII, 109, No 11, 279, No 7.

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