Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

39. Tam Lin

P.335. Add: J. 'Young Tamlane,' Kinloch Manuscripts, V, 391.

335 a. The stanzas introduced into I a were from "Mr. Beattie of Meikledale's Tamlane," as appears from a letter of Scott to Laidlaw, January 21, 1803. (W. Macmath.)

336 b, third paragraph. Add: Aminson, Bidrag, etc., IV, 6, No 27.

Fourth paragraph, line 9. Read: in it which.

338 a. An old woman is rejuvenated by being burnt to bones, and the bones being thrown into a tub of milk: Ralston, Russian Folk-Tales, p. 59, 'The Smith and the Demon;' Afanasief, Legendui, No 31, from Dahl's manuscript collection.

356. The following is perhaps the version referred to by Dr. Joseph Robertson: see p. 335.

Add version J.

1   The night, the night is Halloween,
Tomorrow's Hallowday, our seely court maun ride,
Thro England and thro Ireland both,
And a' the warld wide.

Cf. A 25, 26; D 16; G 30; I 33, 34.

84.think and of me thole.

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