Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

32. King Henry

P. 290, note †, IV, 454 a. "La nuit si jolie fille, le jour si jolie biche:" Pineau, Le Folk-lore du Poitou, p. 391. [A raven by day, a woman by night: von Wlislocki, M. u. S. der Bukowinaer u. Siebenbürger Armenier, p. 75. On transformations of all kinds, see S. Prato, Bulletin de Folklore, 1892, p. 316 ff.]

298, II, 502 b, IV, 454 a. A man marries a snake. At midnight it becomes a woman, and it keeps that form thereafter: J. Krainz, Mythen u. Sagen aus dem steirischen Hochlande. No. 147, p. 194. A snake (enchanted man) marries a girl, and is thereby freed: Brüder Zingerle, Tirols Volksdichtungen, II, 173 ff.; cf. II, 317. G.L.K.

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