Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

32. King Henry

P. 298, note. So of a frog, Colshorns, p. 139, No 42.

298 b, second paragraph. "In an unpublished story of the Monferrato, communicated to me by Dr. Ferraro, a beautiful girl, when plucking up a cabbage, sees under its roots a large room, goes down into it, and finds a serpent there, who promises to make her fortune if she will kiss him and sleep with him. The girl consents. After three months the serpent begins to assume the legs of a man, then a man's body, and finally the face of a handsome youth, the son of a king, and marries his young deliverer." De Gubernatis, Zoölogical Mythology, II, 418. G.L.K.

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