Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

21. The Maid and the Palmer

231. Catalan. The Romancerillo Catalan, in the new edition, p. 10, No 12, 'Magdalena,' gives another version, with the variations of eight more copies, that of the Observaciones being now C.

232. Add: Italian. Ive, Canti popolari istriani, p. 366, No 14, 'S. Maria Maddalena.' Mary'S father, dying, left her a castle of gold and silver, from which one day she saw Jesus pass. She wept a fountain of tears to wash his feet, and dried his feet with her tresses. Then she asked for a penance. She wished to go into a cave without door or windows, sleep on the bare ground, eat raw herbs, and drink a little salt water; and this she did. In 'La Maddalena,' Guerrini, Alcuni C. p. romagnoli, p. 7, there is no penance.

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