Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

20. The Cruel Mother

P. 218. D. b. Kinloch Manuscripts, VII, 23. Insert again at p. 221.

F. a. Also in Motherwell's Manuscript, p. 514. Insert again, at p. 222.

I. a. Also in Motherwell's Manuscript, p. 475. Insert again at p. 223.

Add: N. 'The Loch o the Loanie,' Campbell Manuscripts, II, 264.

219 b. Add to the German versions of 'The Cruel Mother:' M. Pater Amand Baumgarten. Aus der volksmässigen Ueberlieferung der Heimat: IX, Geburt, ['Das ausgesetzte Kind.'] N. A. Schlosser, Deutsche Volkslieder aus Steiermark, p. 336, No 306, 'Der alte Halter und das Kind' (not yet seen by me). (Köhler.)

220 a. A ballad of Slavic origin in Nesselmann's Litauische Volkslieder, No. 380, p. 322, resembles the German and Wendish versions of 'The Cruel Mother,' with a touch of 'The Maid and the Palmer.' (G. L. Kittredge.)

220 b, line 7. Read: Hausschatz.

225. Add version N.

226 a. C. Cunningham, as Mr. Macmath has reminded me, has made this stanza a part of another ballad, in Cromek's Remains, p. 223.

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