Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

13. Edward

P. 167 b, 501 b, III 499 b. Swedish. Sven i Rosengård ' in Thomasson, Visor från Bleking, Nyare Bidrag, etc., VII, No 6, p. 16, No 9.

168 a, second paragraph, 'when stones float,' etc. Compare Sir John Mandeville, as to the Dead Sea, ch. 9 (of the Cotton Manuscript): "And zif a man caste iren therein, it wole flete aboven, and zif men caste a fedre therein, it wol synke to the botme."

P. 167, 501 b, III, 499 b, V, 209 b. ' Svend i Rosensgaard ' is No 340 in the Grundtvig-Olrik collection of Danish ballads, Ridderviser, I, 142. Danish versions are limited to three, of which the second is a fragment and the third a copy from Norway in all but pure Danish. Of Swedish versions eleven are enumerated, besides a half-comic copy from a manuscript of 1640, or older, which is spun out to 33 stanzas. As before remarked, a palpable tendency to parody is visible in some of the Scandinavian specimens.

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