Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

10. The Twa Sisters

P. 125, 493 b, II, 498 b, III, 499 a, IV, 447 b. 'Les roseaux qui chantent, Revue des Traditions Populaires, VII, 223 (blue flower); 'L'os qui chante,' discussion of the tale by M. Charles Ploix, Rev. des Trad. Pop., VIII, 129 ff.

P. 124 a, 4th paragraph. The ballad in Schlegel's Reisen is simply a threnody in Esthonian marriage ceremonies over the carrying away of the bride to her husband's house, and is not to the point.

125, 493 b, II, 498 b, III, 499 a, IV, 447 b, V, 208 b. 'L'os qui chante:' M. Eugene Monseur has continued his study of this tale in Bulletin de Folklore, I, 39-51, 89-149, II, 219-41, 245-51. See also Bugiel in Wisła, VII, 339-61, 557-80, 665-85.

[See also 'Die Geschichte von zwei Freunden,' Socin u. Stumme, Dialekt der Houwāra des Wād Sūs in Marokko, pp. 53, 115, Abhandlungen der Phil.-hist. Classe der K. Sachs. Gesellschaft der Wissenschaften, XV.]

[On disclosure by musical instruments see Revue Celtique, II, 199; Hartland, Legend of Perseus, I, 193. F.N. Robinson.]

126 a. [For a parallel to the South African tale see Jacottet, Contes pop. des Bassoutos, p. 52.]

126 b. C is also translated by H. Schubart in Arnim's Tröst Einsamkeit, 1808, p. 146.

To be Corrected in the Print.

138 a, B c, 112. I'll. b, 261, 271, 281. Manuscript tune (copy wrong).

Trivial Corrections of Spelling.

138 a, B c, 52. Read brest.

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