Ed de Moel

Child Ballads - Additions and Corrections

1. Riddles Wisely Expounded

P. 1 a, VI, 496 a. Guess or die. Kristensen, Jyske Folkeminder, X, 2, 'Svend Bondes Spergsmaal,' B.

3-5. From Miss M.H. Mason's Nursery Rhymes and Country Songs, p. 31; sung in Northumberland.


Findlay's Manuscripts, I, 151, from J. Milne.

  'What's greener than the grass?
What's higher than the clouds?
What is worse than women's tongues?
What's deeper than the floods?'
  'Hollin's greener than the grass,
Heaven's higher than the clouds,
The devil's worse than women's tongues,
Hell 'a deeper than the floods.'

P. 1. Rawlinson Manuscript D. 328, fol. 174b., Bodleian Library.

I was unaware of the existence of this very important copy until it was pointed out to me by my friend Professor Theodor Vetter, of Zürich, to whom I have been in other ways greatly indebted. It is from a book acquired by Walter Pollard, of Plymouth, in the 23d year of Henry VI, 1444-5, and the handwriting is thought to authorize the conclusion that the verses were copied into the book not long after. The parties are the fiend and a maid, as in C, D, which are hereby evinced to be earlier than A, B. The "good ending" of A, B, is manifestly a modern perversion, and the reply to the last question in A, D, 'The Devil is worse than eer woman was,' gains greatly in point when we understand who the so-called knight really is. We observe that in the fifteenth century version, 12, the fiend threatens rather than promises that the maid shall be his: and so in E, V, 205.

Inter diabolus et virgo

1   Wol ȝe here a wonder thynge
Betwyxt a mayd and þe fovle fende?
2   Thys spake þe fend to þe mayd:
'Beleue on me, mayd, to day.
3   'Mayd, mote y tin leman be,
Wyssedom y wolle teche the:
4   'All þe wyssedom off the world,
Hyf þou wolt be true and forward holde.
5   'What ys hyer þan ys [þe] tre?
What ys dypper þan ys the see?
6   'What ys scharpper þan ys þe þorne?
What ys loder þan ys þe horne?
7   'What [ys] longger þan ys þe way?
What is rader þan ys þe day?
8   'What [ys] bether than is þe bred?
What ys scharpper than ys þe dede?
9   'What ys grenner þan ys þe wode?
What ys swetter þan ys þe note?
10   'What ys swifter þan ys the wynd?
What ys recher þan ys þe kynge?
11   'What ys ȝeluer pan ys þe wex?
What [ys] softer þan ys þe flex?
12   'But þou now answery me,
Thu schalt for soþe my leman be.'
13   'Ihesu, for þy myld myȝth,
As thu art kynge and knyȝt,
14   'Lene me wisdome to answere here ryȝth,
And schylde me fram the fovle wyȝth!
15   'Hewene ys heyer than ys the tre,
Helle ys dypper pan ys the see.
16   'Hongyr ys scharpper than [ys] þe thorne,
Þonder ys lodder than ys þe horne.
17   'Loukynge ys longer than ys þe way,
Syn ys rader þan ys the day.
18   'Godys flesse ys betur þan ys the brede,
Payne ys stronger þan ys þe dede.
19   'Gras ys grenner pan ys þe wode.
Loue ys swetter þan ys the notte.
20   Þowt ys swifter þan ys the wynde,
Ihesus ys recher þan ys the kynge.
21   'Safer is ȝeluer than ys the wexs,
Selke ys softer þan ys the flex.
22   'Now, thu fende, styl thu be;
Nelle ich speke no more with the!
   22. Be leue.
31. the leman.
32. theche.
132. knyȝt seems to be altered to knyt.
142. fold: cf. 12.
192. lowe. Pollarde is written in the left margin of 221 and WALTERVS POLLARD below the last line of the piece.

['Inter Diabolus et Virgo' is printed by Dr. Furnivall in Englische Studien, XXIII, 444, 445, March, 1897.]

P. 2 f., 484 a, II, 495 a, IV, 439 a. Slavic riddle-ballads. Add: Romanov, I, 420, No 163 (White Russian).

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