1 |
There dwelt a fair maid in the West,
Of worthy birth and fame,
Neer unto Plimouth, stately town,
Jane Reynolds was her name. |
2 |
This damsel dearly was belovd
By many a proper youth,
And what of her is to be said
In known for very truth. |
3 |
Among the rest a seaman brave
Unto her a wooing came;
A comely proper youth he was,
James Harris calld by name. |
4 |
The maid and young man was agreed,
As time did them allow,
And to each other secretly
They made a solemn vow, |
5 |
That they would ever faithfull be
Whilst Heaven afforded life;
He was to be her husband kind,
And she his faithfull wife. |
6 |
A day appointed was also
When they was to be married;
But before these things were brought to pass
Matters were strangely carried. |
7 |
All you that faithfull lovers be
Give ear and hearken well,
And what of them became at last
I will directly tell. |
8 |
The young man he was prest to sea,
And forc d was to go;
His sweet-heart she must stay behind,
Whether she would or no. |
9 |
And after he was from her gone
She three years for him staid,
Expecting of his comeing home,
And kept herself a maid. |
10 |
At last news came that he was dead
Within a forraign land,
And how that he was buried
She well did understand, |
11 |
For whose sweet sake the maiden she
Lamented many a day,
And never was she known at all
The wanton for to play. |
12 |
A carpenter that livd hard by,
When he heard of the same,
Like as the other had done before,
To her a wooing came. |
13 |
But when that he had gained her love
They married were with speed,
And four years space, being man and wife,
They loveingly agreed. |
14 |
Three pritty children in this time
This loving couple had,
Which made their father's heart rejoyce,
And mother wondrous glad. |
15 |
But as occasion servd, one time
The good man took his way
Some three days journey from his home,
Intending not to stay. |
16 |
But, whilst that he was gone away,
A spirit in the night
Came to the window of his wife,
And did her sorely fright. |
17 |
Which spirit spake like to a man,
And unto her did say,
'My dear and onely love,' quoth he,
'Prepare and come away. |
18 |
'James Harris is my name,' quoth he,
'Whom thou didst love so dear,
And I have traveld for thy sake
At least this seven year. |
19 |
'And now I am returnd again,
To take thee to my wife,
And thou with me shalt go to sea,
To end all further strife.' |
20 |
'O tempt me not, sweet James,' quoth she,
'With thee away to go;
If I should leave my children small,
Alas! what would they do? |
21 |
'My husband is a carpenter,
A carpenter of great fame;
I would not for five hundred pounds
That he should know the same.' |
22 |
'I might have had a king's daughter,
And she would have married me;
But I forsook her golden crown,
And for the love of thee. |
23 |
'Therefore, if thou'lt thy husband forsake,
And thy children three also,
I will forgive the[e] what is past,
If thou wilt with me go.' |
24 |
'If I forsake my husband and
My little children three,
What means hast thou to bring me to,
If I should go with thee?' |
25 |
'I have seven ships upon the sea;
When they are come to land,
Both marriners and marchandize
Shall be at thy command. |
26 |
'The ship wherein my love shall sail
Is glorious to behold;
The sails shall be of finest silk,
And the mast of shining gold.' |
27 |
When he had told her these fair tales,
To love him she began,
Because he was in human shape,
Much like unto a man. |
28 |
And so together away they went
From off the English shore,
And since that time the woman-kind
Was never seen no more. |
29 |
But when her husband he come home
And found his wife was gone,
And left her three sweet pretty babes
Within the house alone, |
30 |
He beat his breast, he tore his hair,
The tears fell from his eyes,
And in the open streets he run
With heavy doleful cries. |
31 |
And in this sad distracted case
He hangd himself for woe
Upon a tree near to the place;
The truth of all is so. |
32 |
The children now are fatherless,
And left without a guide,
But yet no doubt the heavenly powers
Will for them well provide. |