1 |
In Scotland there are ladies fair,
There's ladies of honor and high degree,
Hey down, down a down derry
But one excels above all the rest,
And the Earl of Arundel's daughter is she.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
2 |
Both knights and lords of great account
Comes thither a wooing for this ladie's sake:
Hey down, down a down derry
It fell on a day that Earl Arundell said,
Daughter, which of these lords will you take?
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
3 |
Or which of them now likes thee best?
Speak truth to me, but do not lie;
Hey down, down a down derry
Speak truth to me, and do not jest,
Who must heir my livings when as I die?
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
4 |
Lord Fenix is a lord of high degree,
And hath both lands and livings free;
Hey down, down a down derry
I tell thee, daughter, thou shalt him have,
If thou wilt take any counsell at me.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
5 |
With that the young lady fell down of her knee,
And trickling tears ran down her eye:
Hey down, down a down derry
'As you are my father, and loves me dear,
My heart is set where it must be.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
6 |
'On a serving-man which is so poor,
For all he hath is but pounds three;
Hey down, down a down derry
He was the first lover that ere I had,
And the last I mean him for to be.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
7 |
With that her father was sore offended,
And fast he rode at that same tide,
Hey down, down a down derry
Untill he to the Lord Fenix came,
And fast he rode at that same tide,
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
8 |
The yong ladie cald up Jack, her foot-boy:
'I dare trust no man alive but thee;
Hey down, down a down derry
Thou must go my errand to Strawberry Castle,
To the place where Tomy o'th Potts doth lye.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
9 |
'And carry this letter, in parchment fair,
That I have sealed with mine own hand;
Hey down, down a down derry
And when Tomey looks this letter upon,
Be sure his countenance thou understand.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
10 |
'And if he either laugh or smile,
He is not sorry at his heart;
Hey down, down a down derry
I must seek a new love where I will,
For small of Tomey must be my part.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
11 |
'But if he wax red in the face,
And tricling tears fall from his eyes,
Hey down, down a down derry
Then let my father say what he will,
For true to Tomey I'le be always.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
12 |
'And thou must tell him by word of mouth,
If this letter cannot be read at that tyde,
Hey down, down a down derry
That this day sennight, and no longer hence,
I must be Lord William Fenix bride.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
13 |
The boy took leave of his lady gay,
And to Strawberry Castle he did him fast hie;
Hey down, down a down derry
A serving-man did guide him the way
To the place where Tomey o'th Pots did lie.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
14 |
'O Christ thee save, good Tomey o'th Pots,
And Christ thee save as I thee see;
Hey down, down a down derry
Come read this letter, Tomey o'th Potts,
As thy true-love hath sent to thee.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
15 |
Then Tomey he waxed red in the face,
And trickling tears ran down his eyes;
Hey down, down a down derry
But never a letter could he read,
If he should be hanged on th'gallow-tree.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
16 |
'Shee bid me tell you by word of mouth,
If this letter could not be read at this tide,
Hey down, down a down derry
That this day sennight, and no longer hence,
She must be Lord William Fenix bride.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
17 |
'Now in faith,' said Tomey, 'She is mine own,
As all hereafter shall understand;
Hey down, down a down derry
Lord Fenix shall not marry her, by night or day,
Unless he win her by his own hand.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
18 |
'For on Gilforth Green I will her meet,
And if she love me, bid her for me pray;
Hey down, down a down derry
And there I will lose my life so sweet,
Or else her wedding I will stay.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
19 |
He cald this boy unto accounts;
Think whether he loved this lady gay!
Hey down, down a down derry
He gave him forty shilling for his message,
And all he had was but pounds three.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
20 |
The boy took his leave of Tomey o'th Potts,
Fearing that he had staid too late;
Hey down, down a down derry
The young lady did wait of his comming,
And met him five miles out of the gate.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
21 |
'O boney boy, thou art not of age,
Therefore thou canst both mock and scorn;
Hey down, down a down derry
I will not beleeve what my love hath said,
Unlesse thou on this book be sworn.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
22 |
'Now, in faith, gay lady, I will not lye,'
And kist the book full soon did he:
Hey down, down a down derry
'One letter he could not read at that time,
If he should have been hangd at gallo-tree.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
23 |
'He said in faith you are his own,
As all hereafter shall understand;
Hey down, down a down derry
Lord Fenix shall not marry you by night or day,
Unlesse he winn you with his own hand.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
24 |
'For on Gilforth Green he will you meet,
And if you love him, you must for him pray;
Hey down, down a down derry
And there he will lose his life so sweet,
Or else your wedding he will stay.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
25 |
Let us leave talking of the boy,
That with his gay lady is turned home;
Hey down, down a down derry
Now let us go talk of Tomey o'th Potts,
And how to his master he is gone.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
26 |
When Tomey came his master before,
He kneeled down upon his knee:
Hey down, down a down derry
'What tidings hast thou brought, my man,
As that thou makes such courtesie?'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
27 |
'O Christ you save, dear master,' he said,
'And Christ you save as I you see;
Hey down, down a down derry
For God's love, master, come read me this letter,
Which my true love hath sent to me.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
28 |
His master took this letter in hand,
And looked ore it with his eye;
Hey down, down a down derry
'In faith, I am fain, my man,' he said,
'As thou hast a lady so true to thee.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
29 |
'I have a lady true to me,
And false to her I'le never be;
Hey down, down a down derry
But ere this day sennight, and no longer hence,
I must lose my love through povertie.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
30 |
'Lord Fenix he will her have,
Because he hath more wealth then I:'
Hey down, down a down derry
'Now hold thy tongue, my man,' he said,
'For before that day many a one shall die.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
31 |
'O Tomey,' said he, 'I love thee well,
And something for thee I will doo;
Hey down, down a down derry
For Strawberry Castle shall be thine own
So long as thou dost mean to woo.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
32 |
'One half of my lands I'le give thee a year,
The which will raise thee many a pound;
Hey down, down a down derry
Before that thou lose thy bonny sweet-hart,
Thou shalt drop angels with him to the ground.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
33 |
'I have thirty steeds in my stable strong,
Which any of them is good indeed,
Hey down, down a down derry
And a bunch of spears hangs them among,
And a nag to carry thee swift with speed.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
34 |
'My sute of armour thou shalt put on-+-
So well it becomes thy fair body-+-
Hey down, down a down derry
And when thou comst on Gilford Green
Thou'll look more like a lord then he.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
35 |
'My men shall all rise and with thee go,
And I my self with thee will ride;
Hey down, down a down derry
And many a bloody wound will we make
Before that thou shalt lose thy bride.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
36 |
'Now Christ reward you, dear master,' he said,
'For the good will you bear to me;
Hey down, down a down derry
But I trust to God, in a little space,
With my own hands to set her free.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
37 |
'I'le none of your horses, master,' he said,
'For they cannot well skill of their trade;
Hey down, down a down derry
None but your gray nag that hath a cut tail,
For hee'll either stand or turn again.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
38 |
'One spear, master, and no more,
No more with me that I will take,
Hey down, down a down derry
And if that spear it will not serve my turn,
I'le suffer death for my true-love's sake.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
39 |
Early in the morning, when day did spring,
On Gilforth Green betime was he;
Hey down, down a down derry
There did he espie Lord Fenix comming,
And with him a royall company.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
40 |
Gold chains about their necks threescore,
Full well might seem fine lords to ride;
Hey down, down a down derry
The young lady followed far behind,
Sore against her will that she was a bride.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
41 |
There Tomey passed this lady by,
But never a word to her did say;
Hey down, down a down derry
Then straight to Lord Fenix he is gone,
And gives him the right time of the day.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
42 |
'O Christ you save, Lord Fenix,' he said,
'And Christ you save as I you see;'
Hey down, down a down derry
'Thou art welcome, Tomey o'th Potts,' he said,
'A serving-man into our company.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
43 |
'O how doth thy master, Tomy o'th Potts?
Tell me the truth and do not lye;'
Hey down, down a down derry
'My master is well,' then Tomey replide,
'I thank my lord, and I thank not thee.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
44 |
'O Christ you save Lord Fenix,' he said,
'And Christ you save as I you see;
Hey down, down a down derry
You may have choyce of ladies enough,
And not take my true-love from me.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
45 |
With that Lord Fenix was sore offended,
And fast away he rode at that tide;
Hey down, down a down derry
'God forbid,' Lord Fenix he said,
'A serving-man should hold me from my bride!'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
46 |
But afterward Tomey did him meet,
As one that came not thither to flye,
Hey down, down a down derry
And said, Lord Fenix, take thou my love,
For I will not lose her cowardly.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
47 |
'O meet me here tomorrow,' he said;
'As thou art a man, come but thy sell;
Hey down, down a down derry
And if that I come [with] any more,
The divell fetch my soul to hell.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
48 |
And so this wedding-day was staid,
The lady and lords they turned home;
Hey down, down a down derry
The lady made merry her maidens among,
And said, Tomey I wish thou may win thy own.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
49 |
Early in the morning, when day did spring,
On Gilforth Green betime was he;
Hey down, down a down derry
He waited long for Lord Fenix comming,
But Lord William Fenix he could not see.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
50 |
He waited long and very long,
Untill the sun waxed very high;
Hey down, down a down derry
There was he ware of Lord Fenix coming,
And with him other men three.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
51 |
'Thou art a false thief, Lord Fenix,' he said,
'Because thou breakst thy promise with me;
Hey down, down a down derry
Thou promisedst me to come by thy self,
And thou hast brought other men three.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
52 |
'But in regard I call thee thief,
Because thou hast broken promise with me,
Hey down, down a down derry
I vow, and you were as many more,
Forsaken sure you should not be.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
53 |
'These are my men,' Lord Fenix said,
'That every day do wait on me;
Hey down, down a down derry
If any of them do strike a stroke,
In faith then hanged he shall be.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
54 |
They fetcht a race and rode about,
And then they met full eagerly;
Hey down, down a down derry
Lord Fenix away by Tomey's body glowd,
And he ran him quite thorow the thigh.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
55 |
Out of his saddle bore him he did,
And laid his body on the ground;
Hey down, down a down derry
His spear he ran thorow Tomey's thigh,
In which he made a grievous wound.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
56 |
But Tomey quickly start up again;
For as he was a physitian good,
Hey down, down a down derry
He laid his hand upon the wound,
And quickly he did stanch the blood.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
57 |
Full lightly he leaped to his saddle again,
Forth of it long he did not stay;
Hey down, down a down derry
For he weighed more of the ladie's love
Then of any life he had that day.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
58 |
They fetched a race and rode about,
The blood in Tomey's body began to warm;
Hey down, down a down derry
He away by Lord Fenix body glowde,
And he ran him quite through the arm.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
59 |
Out of his saddle bore him he hath,
Of from his steed that mounted so high;
Hey down, down a down derry
'Now rise and fight, Lord Fenix,' he said,
'Or else yeeld the lady unto me.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
60 |
'I'll yeeld the lady unto thee;
My arm no more my spear will guide;
Hey down, down a down derry
It was never better likely to prove,
To hold a poor seving-man from his bride.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
61 |
'But if thou wilt thus deal then with me,
Lest of this matter should rise any voice,
Hey down, down a down derry
That I have gotten the victory,
Then thou shalt have another choice.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
62 |
'Yonder is a lane of two miles long;
At either end then stand will we;
Hey down, down a down derry
Wee'l set the lady in the midst,
And whether she come to, take her, for me.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
63 |
'If thou wilt thus deal,' said Fenix then,
'Thou'll save my credit and honor high;
Hey down, down a down derry
And whether I win her, or go without her,
I'le be willing to give ten pounds to thee.'
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
64 |
There was a lane of two miles long;
The lady was set in the middle that tide;
Hey down, down a down derry
She laught and made merry her maids among,
And said, Tomey o'th Pots, now I'le be thy bride.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
65 |
Now all you ladies of high degree,
And maides that married yet would be,
Hey down, down a down derry
Marry no man for goods or lands,
Unlesse you love him faithfully.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |
66 |
For I had a love of my own, she said,
At Strawberrie Castle there lived he;
Hey down, down a down derry
I'le change his name from Tomey o'th Pots,
And the yong Earl of Arundell now he shall be.
With hey down, derry down,
Lang derry down derry |