A new Ballad, declaring the great treason conspired against
the young King of Scots, and how one Andrew Browne, an
Englishman, which was the king's chamberlaine, preuented the
same. To the tune of Milfield, or els to Greenesleeues.
This piece, which is contained in a collection of ballads and
proclamations in the library of the Society of Antiquaries,
London, is signed W. Elderton, and was "imprinted at London for
Yarathe Iames, dwelling in Newgate Market, ouer against Christes
Church." It was licensed to James, May 30, 1581: Arber II, 393.
Reprinted by Percy, Reliques, 1765, II, 204; here from the
original. There is an imperfect and incorrect copy in the Percy
Manuscript, p. 273; Hales and Furnivall, II, 265.
Morton was beheaded only three days after these verses were
licensed, and had been in durance for several months before at
the castle of Edinburgh. Elderton cannot be supposed to have the
last news from Scotland, and he was not a man to keep his
compositions by him nine years. The exhortation of Morton to his
confederate, Douglas, in the last stanza but one is divertingly
misplaced. The fictions of the privie banket and the selling of
the king beyond seas are of the same mint as those in the
Jesus, God! what a griefe is this,
That princes subiects cannot be true,
But still the deuill hath some of his
Will play their parts, whatsoeuer ensue;
Forgetting what a greeuous thing
It is to offend the annointed kinge.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
In Scotland is a bonie kinge,
As proper a youthe as ueede to be,
Well giuen to euery happy thing
That can be in a kinge to see;
Yet that vnluckie countrie still
Hath people giuen to craf tie will.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
On Whitson cue it so befell
A posset was made to give the kinge,
Whereof his ladie-nurse hard tell,
And that it was a poysoned thing.
She cryed, and called piteouslie,
'Now helpe, or els the king shall die!'
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
One Browne, that was an English man,
And hard the ladies piteous crye,
Out with his sword, and besturd him than
Out of the doores in haste to flie;
But all the doores were made so fast,
Out of a window he got at last.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
He met the bishop comming fast,
Hauing the posset in his hande;
The sight of Browne made him agast,
Who bad him stoutly staie and stand.
With him were two that ranne away,
For feare that Browne would make a fray.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
'Bishop,' quoth Browne, 'what hast thou there?
'Nothing at all, my freend,' sayde he,
'But a posset to make the king good cheere.'
'Is it so?' sayd Browne, 'that will I see.
First I will haue thy selfe begin,
Before thou goe any further in;
Be it weale or woe, it shall be so.'
This mtekes a sorrowfull heigh ho. |
The bishop saide, Browne, I doo know
Thou art a young man poore and bare;
Liuings on thee I will bestowe;
Let me go on, take thee no care.
'No, no,' quoth Browne, 'I will not be
A traitour for all Christiantie.
Happe weal or woe, it shall be so:
Drinke now, with a sorrowfull heigh ho.' |
The bishop dranke, and by and by
His belly burst and he fell downe:
A iust reward for his traytery.
'This was a posset in deede!' quoth Browne.
He serched the bishop, and found the keyes
To come to the kinge when he did please.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
As soone as the king gat word of this,
He humbly fell vppon his knee,
And praysed God that he did misse
To tast of that extremity:
For that he did perceaue and know
His clergie would betray him so.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
'Alas,' he said, 'vnhappy realme!
My father and godfather slaine,
My mother banished, O extreame
Vnhappy fate, and bitter bayne!
And now like treason wrought for me.
What more vnhappy realme can be!'
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
The king did call his nurse to his grace,
And gave her twentie pound a yeere;
And trustie Browne to, in like case,
He knighted him, with gallant geere,
And gaue him ... liuings great,
For dooing such a manly feat
As he did sho[w]e, to the bishops woe,
Which made a sorowfull heigh ho. |
When all this treason don and past
Tooke not effect of traytery,
Another treason at the last
They sought against his Maiestie;
How they might make their kinge away
By a priuie banket on a daye.
Alas for woe! why should it be so?
This makes a sorowfull heigh ho. |
Wherat they ment to sell the king
Beyonde the seas, it was decreede:
Three noble earles heard of this thing,
And did preuent the same with speede.
For a letter came, with such a charme,
That they should doo they[r] king no harme,
For further woe, if they did so;
Which made a sorrowfull heigh ho. |
The Earle Mourton told the Douglas then,
'Take heede you doo not offend the kinge;
But shew your selues like honest men,
Obediently in euery thing;
For his godmother will not see
Her noble childe misvsde to be
With any woe; for if it be so,
She will make a sorrowfull heigh ho.' |
God graunt all subiects may be true,
In England, Scotland, and euerie where,
That no such daunger may ensue,
To put the prince or state in feare;
That God, the highest king, may see
Obedience as it ought to be.
In wealth or woe, God graunt it be so!
To auoide the sorrowfull 'heigh ho. |