Current zodiac-sign is Pisces (old style) or Aquarius (new style).
Birth date:
This is the 69th day of the year, and there are 296 days left in this year.
On the Chinese calendar, this is a year of the Snake (蛇, or Shé). The heavenly element is Yin Wood. The earthly branch is 巳 (Sì).
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Aquarius (21 January — 18 February):Good news will be brought to you by mail. If you suspect a man, don't employ him. Your wisdom will bring you much respect in later years.It's no good just paying lip service, you've got to get on with being more economical. Sudden happenings could affect your social life. Be wary of being more economical too quickly. Sudden happenings could affect the standard of your work. It's time you planned a journey to the east.
Pisces (19 February — 20 March):You are careful and systematic. Your attention will be deeply returned. Every excess becomes a vice.You'd better make a snap decision regarding a loved one. You may surprise someone by showing you can be very intolerant of people. You may find yourself in a tight spot where financial matters are concerned, but not for long. Past memories of someone mysterious are affecting you. Now is the time to begin to show your true feelings.
Aries (21 March — 19 April):Generosity and perfection are your assets - and they show. That special someone loves to see the light in your eyes. You are altruistic and will be involved in many humanitarian projects.This should be an exciting and hectic time for you, with fewer anxieties on the horizon. If you are close to someone whose name begins with D, then financial matters are on the up and up. Your financial matters are looking promising at present - so make the most of it! Don't let yourself be too ambitious in your love-life. Someone from your past wants you to get into something where you would be out of control - don't do it!
Taurus (20 April — 20 May):Many receive advice; few profit by it. The evening promises romantic interests. Your place in the path of life is in the driver's seat.Your family will appreciate your unselfishness. Innate common sense will tell you not to be unnecessarily annoyed. Try not to be unduly influenced today by any people who have hazel eyes. Your desire to be more spontaneous will soon find favour with a loved one. Your argumentative nature might be a disadvantage where long term leasure interests are concerned.
Gemini (21 May — 20 June):Do not be afraid of competition. You are soon going to change your present line of work. You will take a chance on something in the near future.People around you may flounder, but you succeed by being naturally understanding. Co-operation and success at work depend on your inventiveness. You should really try eating healthier food. A stranger is going to be attracted by your mysterious personality. A stranger is going to be attracted by your creative nature.
Cancer (21 June — 22 July):The star of riches is shining upon you. Avert misunderstanding by calm, poise and balance. Discontent is the first step in the progress of a man or a nation.Try not to squander your energy and avoid making too many promises. You may be feeling needlessly worried at work these days. Your chances of making headway may be thwarted by not being gentle. You may be feeling unsettled in your love-life these says. If you let yourself be drawn into anything connected with politics today, you may well regret it later.
Leo (23 July — 22 August):When in doubt, let your instincts guide you. You have given some thought to a different life style. Be careful of extravagance.This evening you could find yourself thrilled by an honest offer. You can look forward to good news connected with the letter L. An informal meeting could be spoiled by your restlessness. An informal meeting could be spoiled by your tendency to be dissatisfied. It's no good just paying lip service, you've got to think seriously about a colleague's problem.
Virgo (23 August — 22 September):Your keen sense of humor will make you many good friends. You have a unique personality. You will discover the truth in time.People around you may flounder, but you succeed by eating healthier food. You should succeed by being able to count on your diligence. You are about to scale new heights - but be careful of anything out of the ordinary. Watch out for surprising developents concerned with a foreigner. Someone from your past is trying to run away from your memory.
Libra (22 September — 22 October):Do not let your instincts run right over your reason. Now is a good time to try something new. Keep your schedule flexible to handle the unexpected.It will pay you off to avoid extravagance. Things on the domestic scene will blossom, as long as you are inventive. Steer well clear of anything out of the ordinary as it might adversely affect a significant relationship. A problem at work will shortly be eased thanks to your determination. You should really avoid anything strange that crops up today.
Scorpio (23 October — 21 November):You are sociable and entertaining. You constantly struggle for self-improvement. You could prosper in the field of wacky inventions.You will enjoy yourself today, thanks to a new start. It's no good just paying lip-service, you've got to think seriously about a financial investment. You can look forward to good news connected with the letter E. Try to show your true feelings. The focus currently is on planning a journey.
Sagittarius (22 November — 21 December):Success will come to your plans. You are heading for a land of sunshine and relaxation. Achieving peace of mind is a most worthwhile goal.Try not to squander your time and avoid making too many concessions. A problem at work will shortly be eased thanks to your loyal attitude. The focus currently is on relaxing and avoiding tension. Don't associate with a partner. Watch out for something blue which is pretty favourable.
Capricorn (22 December — 20 January):Good fortune is always on your side. From now on your kindness will lead you to success. It is not the person who has too little, but the person who always craves more, that is poor.Long term plans are on the up and up - keep smiling! Family matters will be improved because of your reliability. You may well be in for some trying times which will keep you busy. It will pay you off to try to patch up any difficulties. Don't let your natural defensiveness get the better of you.
Capricorn (20 January — 15 February):You will make a name for yourself. Confession of our faults is the next thing to innocence. It is better to get something done late than never.You can look forward to good news connected with the letter G. Your fear of conflict might be a disadvantage in your love-life. Unfortunately, you haven't been resolute enough lately. A problem at work will shortly be eased thanks to your kind attitude. Family matters will be improved because of your lively personality.
Aquarius (16 February — 10 March):Fortune cookie say: you will find happiness in mind and heart. You love the thrill of showmanship and display. For a good cause, wrongdoing may be virtuous.You should succeed by being able to count on your sense of balance. Don't take a journey west today without careful planning. Show yourself to be prepared to make a few promises from now on. You should really keep busy these days. It may be necessary to stand your ground with someone whose name starts with N today.
Pisces (11 March — 17 April):You are heading for a land of sunshine. You will be unusually successful in business. Turn your thoughts within - find yourself.The stars are protecting you and people who would really like you to show your true feelings. Allow some time for considering your health. People around you may flounder but you succeed by being naturally warm. There are plenty of rewards in store at Horoscope thanks to your vitality. Just be true to yourself: remember you are capable and loyal.
Aries (18 April — 12 May):Advice, when most needed, is least heeded. A message from a distance is coming. Honesty and integrity are just some of your best attributes.If you let yourself be rash today, you may well regret it later. Don't take a journey east today without careful planning. Co-operation and success at work depend on your sense of balance. Stick to what is reliable and don't dabble in anything connected with politics. Someone from your past needs some friendly advice.
Taurus (13 May — 20 June):Be confident in your own lovability. Constant grinding can turn an iron rod into a needle. Your efforts will be worthwhile.Things on the domestic scene will blossom, as long as you are resolute. The focus currently is on an exotic and mysterious stranger. Don't let yourself be rash at work. A chance encounter is made enjoyable thanks to your natural friendliness. The focus currently is on improving your appearance.
Gemini (21 June — 19 July):He who is aware of his folly is wise. Keep your plans secret for now. Watch your relations wih others carefully; be cautious.You are about to scale new heights in making decisions. Use the fact that you are calm to your advantage this evening. Past memories may serve to sort out your future. You may surprise someone by showing you can be very strong. Avoid being drawn into an argument and getting led into anything out of the ordinary.
Cancer (20 July — 9 August):Daydreams may be pleasant, but accomplishments are more satisfying. You will continue to take chances and be glad you did. Be a little more cautious this month.Think about relaxing a little - it's about time you did. Long term plans involve a loved one more than you think. Avoid being shortsighted where money is concerned and getting led into anything connected with politics. Don't be afraid to show you can be both firm and creative. Forget about the past and concentrate on current financial matters.
Leo (10 August — 15 September):You love sports, horses and gambling but not to excess. You have a potential urge and the ability for accomplishment. Don't let friends impose on you, Work calmly and silently.You will enjoy yourself if you start developing an eccentric project. Don't get carried away with a close friend. You may soon need to take a relative into your confidence. Now is the time to begin to act on impulse. Think about a new situation on the domestic front - you can't put it off.
Virgo (16 September — 29 October):A letter of great importance will reach you soon. Friends are more valuable than money. The night life is for you.Have faith in yourself and your kindness. Now is the time to begin to keep a clear head. Don't let yourself be lazy at work. Try not to worry about your social life: relax and look forward to getting a surprise in the post. Innate common sense will tell you when to make promises.
Libra (30 October — 22 November):The secret to good friends is no secret to you. A frown keeps others away, so smile today. You will always be surrounded by true friends.Forget about the past and concentrate on being resolute. Don't let yourself be lazy with a loved one. You may surprise someone by showing you can be very honest. It would be worth spending some time on something beginning with the letter N. Innate common sense will tell you what to do about someone who's becoming a real bore.
Scorpio (23 November — 28 November):You are a gentleman of outstanding wisdom. You will attain the highest levels of intelligence. Your life will be happy and peaceful.It would be worth spending some time on assisting someone you respect with his/her anxieties. Show yourself to be prepared to make a few compromises from now on. An offer of promotion is on its way - and your future should start improving. Allow some time for thinking about something that seems wonderful on the surface. A stranger is going to be attracted by your decent and upstanding values.
Ophiuchus (29 November — 16 December):Your efforts are budding - results will appear soon. Your talents will capture you the highest status and prestige. Many receive advice, only the wise profit by it.Try not to get involved in others' conflicts. You may find yourself in a tight spot todat with a loved one when you'll need to be very resourceful. Stick to what is decent or you may be sorry later. Try not to squander your efforts where financial matters are concerned. Your determination will pay off later on if you try to write an important letter.
Sagittarius (17 December — 19 January):Someone who deserves special attention awaits your magical voice. Get your mind set... Confidence will lead you on. The project you have in mind will soon gain momentum.You may find yourself in a tight spot today, if you don't stick to what you know is reliable. Stick to what is honest and don't dabble in anything where you would be out of control. You are entering a new phase when you can start to be more spontaneous. It's time you confided in a partner - it will do you good. You will enjoy yourself being organised with a loved one today.
Invasion (Xan'lahr) (21 January — 29 February):Today is a good day to die.
Battle (A'Kahless) (1 March — 7 April):Today is a good day to die.
Siege (Jo'vos) (8 April — 19 May):Today is a good day to die.
Alliance (Maktag) (20 May — 1 July):Today is a good day to die.
Retreat (Merruthj) (2 July — 10 August):Today is a good day to die.
Glory (Soo'jen) (11 August — 19 September):Today is a good day to die.
Duty (Lo'Bral) (20 September — 2 November):Today is a good day to die.
Betrayal (nay'Poq) (3 November — 13 December):Today is a good day to die.
Challenge (Doqath) (14 December — 20 January):Today is a good day to die.