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MWAPI - Client

Draft MDC Standard

8.2 Client

To act as a client, the M[UMPS] process uses the elattributes LINKACTION, LINKITEM, LINKMODE, LINKSOURCE and LINKTIMEOUT, to establish a link with a data source. The available data sources for a display are obtainable through the LINKSOURCE display attribute. LINKSOURCE identifies the data source, and LINKITEM identifies the item within that source. Setting LINKMODE establishes or breaks a link between the VALUE attribute of the gadget and the item in the data source. Depending on the value of LINKMODE, the gadget can be updated automatically as the data source item changes, or the LINKNOTIFY event can be caused. Any one gadget can only be associated with a single data source item, but an M[UMPS] process can have many links active simultaneously. LINKACTION allows the M[UMPS] program to drive the link, getting and setting values and executing commands in the server application as required. These operations are performed asynchronously and the outcome is notified using events. See Section 9.1.9 for details of data exchange events.

When an M[UMPS] process uses the appropriate elattributes on more than one gadget to connect as a client to the same data source, each gadget establishes a separate link.

An M[UMPS] process cannot establish a link with a data source provided by the same M[UMPS] process, nor do such data sources appear in the LINKSOURCE display attribute of that M[UMPS] process.

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 21-Mar-2004, 11:09:40.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)