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OMI - Compliance Verification

Draft MDC Standard

B.11 Compliance verification

When 2 vendors’ systems with allegedly compatible stacks of protocols cannot communicate, who is right and who is wrong? Ideally, a disinterested authority would provide a verification service for all the protocols. In reality there is no formal verification process for this standard. The lack of such a process has not prevented successful installations of other protocols.

Verification by consensus among vendors is an important consideration in the design of OMI, influencing its reliance on existing lower-level protocols, its simplicity, and its incorporation of detailed and explicit error messages.

The M[UMPS] Technology Association sponsors OMI implementers’ workshops at its annual meetings to promote the implementation and testing of the protocol. While quite unofficial, the workshops play an important role in establishing implementation guidelines. In the future, this group may publish formal recommendations for layering OMI on various protocols, and it could develop a test suite to validate OMI compliance.

The MUMPS Standards Interpretation Review Board, mentioned in the foreword, reviews and arbitrates disputed interpretations of this Standard, although it does not validate specific implementations.

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Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 16-Nov-2023, 16:57:55.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)