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OMI - Get Device Parameters

Draft MDC Standard

5.4.27 Get device parameters

(Operation type 46) returns the server’s current values of selected device parameters applicable to a particular mnemonic space. 5.3.7 defines device parameters. The client need not own the device, and the client may request a mnemonic space that has not previously been set, that is, the server shall not return the mnemonic space not set error condition. Those parameters that have not been set by precedent OMI transactions may have values chosen by the implementer.

NOTE – ANSI/MDC X11.1 requires M[UMPS] implementations to return the most recent value of a parameter, even though set by another process, when it exists.

The fields of the request and their sequence shall be:

  1. Environment: <LS> the server’s environment for the device.
  2. Device name: <LS> the server’s name for the device.
  3. Client identifier: <SS> $Job (see ANSI/MDC X11.1) of the client process making the request, an ASCII string of decimal digits.
  4. Style: <SI> 0 denotes the positional style, and 1 denotes the keyword style of parameters. All other values are reserved.
  5. Device parameters: as defined in 5.3.7.
    For the positional style, this field shall contain only the selector, whose bits shall indicate the requested parameters. 0 individual device parameters shall follow.
    For the keyword style, the individual device parameters within this field shall have the form keyword.
  6. Mnemonic space: <SS> the server’s name for the mnemonic space whose parameters are being requested.
    NOTE – The client may request style 1 with 0 or more parameters to query the server’s required style. If the server requires a different style, it shall respond with a parameter style error.
<LS> <LS> <SS>
<LI> Environment <LI> Device Name <SI> Client ID

<SI> <LS> <SS>
Style <LI> Device Params <SI> Mnemonic Space

Figure 48 – Get device parameters request

The fields of the get device parameters response and their sequence shall be:

  1. Style: <SI> 0 denotes the positional style, and 1 denotes the keyword style of parameters. All other values are reserved.
  2. Device parameters: <LS> as defined in 5.3.7. For style 0, the server shall ignore selector bits denoting parameter positions that it does not support, but the response shall include all other parameters selected in the request and may also, at the option of the implementer, include other parameters. For style 1, the response shall include all parameters contained in the request and may also, at the option of the implementer, include other parameters.
    When the client requests a style 1 parameter of the form keyword, the response shall include keyword=0 to indicate the parameter’s absence, or keyword=1 to indicate its presence.
  3. Stream: <SI> shall equal 0, 1, or 2, indicating the stream or record form of write arguments for the device and mnemonic space as defined in 5.3.8. All other values are reserved.
<SI> <LS> <SS>
Style <LI> Device Params Stream

Figure 49 – Get device parameters response

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Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 14-Nov-2023, 21:49:49.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)