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Embedded SQL MUMPS Program

Draft MDC Standard

"19.7 <embedded SQL MUMPS program>"


Specify an <embedded SQL MUMPS program>


<embedded SQL declare section>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

<embedded SQL MUMPS program>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

<embedded SQL statement>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

<MUMPS host identifier>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

<MUMPS variable definition>  ::=
   { <MUMPS numeric variable> | <MUMPS character variable> } <semicolon>

<MUMPS character variable>  ::=  
   VARCHAR <MUMPS host identifier> <MUMPS length specification>
   [ { , <MUMPS host identifier> <MUMPS length specification> }... ]

<MUMPS length specification>  ::=
   <open paren> <length> <close paren>

<MUMPS numeric variable>  ::=
   { INT
     | DEC [ { <precision> [ , <scale> ] ) ]
     | REAL }
      <MUMPS host identifier> [ { , <MUMPS host identifier> }... ]

<precision>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

<scale>  ::=   !! See the Syntax Rules.

Syntax Rules

  1. An <embedded SQL MUMPS program> is a compilation unit that consists of MUMPS text and SQL text. The MUMPS text shall conform to standard MUMPS. The SQL text shall consist of one or more <embedded SQL statement>s and, optionally, one or more <embedded SQL declare section>s.
  2. A <MUMPS host identifier> is any valid MUMPS variable name. A <MUMPS host identifier> shall be contained in an <embedded SQL MUMPS program>.
  3. An <embedded SQL statement> may be specified wherever a MUMPS command may be specified.
  4. A <MUMPS variable definition> defines one or more host variables.
  5. The <MUMPS character variable> defines a variable-length string. The equivalent SQL data type is VARCHAR whose maximum length is the <length> of the <MUMPS length specification>.
  6. INT describes an exact numeric variable. The equivalent SQL data type is INTEGER.
  7. DEC describes an exact numeric variable. The <scale> shall not be greater than the <precision>. The equivalent SQL data type is DECIMAL with the same <precision> and <scale>.
  8. REAL describes an approximate numeric variable. The equivalent SQL data type is REAL.
  9. An <embedded SQL MUMPS program> shall contain either a variable named SQLCODE defined with a datatype of INT or a variable named SQLSTATE defined with a data type that is VARCHAR with length 5, or both.
    Note: SQLSTATE is the preferred status parameter. The SQLCODE status parameter is a deprecated feature that is supported for compatibility with earlier versions of this standard. See Annex D, "Deprecated Features".

[ ... ]"

Note that the Annex D mentioned in the last paragraph above refers to the SQL standard, not to the M[UMPS] standard.

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Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 28-Nov-2011, 21:03:46.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)