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Open-Ended Definitions

1995 Version of ANSI (Equivalent to Current ISO Version) of Standard

1.4 Open-ended definitions

Under some conditions, the behavior specified by X3.64 is either ambiguous or optional. The following clarifies the behavior to ensure consistency:

CBT Move the cursor to the last horizontal tabulator-stop in the previous line. If no such tabulator-stop exists, don’t move the cursor.
CHA when a location outside the available horizontal range is specified:
Move the cursor in the direction suggested by the parameter-value to either the rightmost (parameter value greater than current position) or leftmost (parameter value less than current position) position.
CHT when no further forward horizontal tabulator-stops have been defined in the current line:
Move the cursor to the first horizontal tabulator-stop in the next line. If no such tabulator-stop exists, don’t move the cursor.
CNL when the cursor is moved forward beyond the last line on the device:
Do not move the cursor. If the output device is a CRT-screen, scroll up one line.
CPL when the cursor is moved backward beyond the first line on the device:
Do not move the cursor. If the output device is a CRT-screen, scroll down one line.
CUB when the cursor is moved backward beyond the first position on a line:
Do not move the cursor.
CUD when the cursor is moved downward beyond the last line on a device:
Do not move the cursor.
CUF when the cursor is moved forward beyond the last position on a line:
Do not move the cursor.
CUP when a location outside the available horizontal or vertical ranges is specified:
Do not move the cursor.
CUU when the cursor is moved upward beyond the last line on a device:
Do not move the cursor.
CVT when no further forward vertical tabulator-stops have been defined on the device:
Move the cursor to the first vertical tabulator-stop in the next page. If no such tabulator-stop exists, don’t move the cursor.
HPA when a location outside the available horizontal range is specified:
Move the cursor in the direction suggested by the parameter-value to either the rightmost (parameter value greater than current position) or leftmost (parameter value less than current position) position.
HPR when a location outside the available horizontal range is specified:
Move the cursor in the direction suggested by the parameter-value to either the rightmost (parameter value positive) or leftmost (parameter value negative) position.
HTJ when no further forward horizontal tabulator-stops have been defined in the current line:
Move the cursor to the first horizontal tabulator-stop in the next line. If no such tabulator-stop exists, don’t move the cursor.
HVP when a location outside the available horizontal or vertical ranges is specified:
Do not move the cursor.
IND when the cursor is moved downward beyond the last line on a device:
Move the cursor to the corresponding horizontal position in the first line on the next page.
NEL when the cursor is moved downward beyond the last line on a device:
Move the cursor to the first position on the first line on the next page.
PLD this function may or may not be similar to CUD or IND. The effect of two successive PLD operations may or may not be equal to the effect of one single CUD or IND operation:
This function will be identical to CUD.
The effect of PLD and PLU will be complementary, i.e. .PLD immediately followed by PLU will effectively not move the cursor.
PLU this function may or may not be similar to CUU or RI. The effect of two successive PLU operations may or may not be equal to the effect of one single CUU or RI operation:
This function will be identical to CUU.
The effect of PLD and PLU will be complementary, i.e. .PLU immediately followed by PLD will effectively not move the cursor.
RI when the cursor is moved upward beyond the first line on a device:
Move the cursor to the corresponding horizontal position in the last line on the previous page.
VPA when a location outside the vertical range is specified:
Move the cursor in the direction suggested by the parameter-value to either the bottommost (parameter value greater than current position) or topmost (parameter value less than current position) position.
VPR when a location outside the vertical range is specified:
Move the cursor in the direction suggested by the parameter-value to either the bottommost (parameter value positive) or topmost (parameter value negative) position.

The following functions shall not cause the cursor to move: ICH, JFY, MC, NP, DL and PP.

The following functions shall move the cursor so that it will point to the same character in the new projection of the information: SD, SL, SR and SU. Boundary conditions will be similar to CUD, CUB, CUF and CUU respectively.

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

This page most recently updated on 16-Nov-2023, 11:44:38.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)