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Library Element Definitions



Approved for inclusion in a future M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage element represents the specification of the data type of a parameter or a result in the context of a reference to a library function or procedure.

Possible data types are BOOLEAN, COMPLEX, INTEGER, NAME, REAL and STRING.

The definition of this metalanguage element includes a colon preceding the name of the data type.


Approved for inclusion in a future M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage element represents the definition of a function or procedure in a library.

Such a definition contains the names of the element and the library, the data type of the result when the element is a function, and the data types of any parameters.


Approved for inclusion in a future M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage element represents a specification that indicates whether a parameter of a function or procedure in a library is mandatory or optional. Possible values are M (for mandatory) and O (for optional).


Approved for inclusion in a future M[UMPS] language standard.

This metalanguage element represents the specification of the definition of a parameter in a function or procedure in a library. Such a definition consists of up to four parts:

  1. pass by value or by reference
  2. name
  3. data type
  4. optional or mandatory

Of these items, only the name must appear, the other parts are optional.

A complete definition of a parameter could look like:

Button for 1977 Button for 1984 Button for 1990 Button for 1995 Button for MDC Button for notes Button for examples

Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 13-Sep-2014, 16:27:23.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)