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Local Variables (Job)

Draft MDC Standard Characteristic: Local variables

^$Job ( processid , expr V "VAR" , lvnexpr )

    lvnexpr::= name

For all local variables in the context of the specified processid, a node exists in this subtree of ^$Job. The value of $Data for any of these nodes is determined by the value of $Data for the local variables in question. Likewise, the value of these nodes, if any, is the same as the value of the local variables in question (including undefined). Only local variables for which $Data returns a non-zero value are represented by these nodes. If a lvn is of the form Name(S1,S2,...,Sn) for a process Job, then a reference to that lvn behaves identical to a reference to ^$Job(Job,"VAR","Name",S1,S2,...,Sn).

Coordination issues may arise if these nodes are examined by another process (if permitted by the implementation). A specific reference may be atomic, but multiple references are not - the local variable being examined may be Newed or Killed between two references to these nodes.

Note that for technical reasons or for security concerns, implementations may restrict access to nodes in ^$Job for processids other than the current processid. An attempt to violate such a restriction will cause an error condition with an implementor-specified ecode, beginning with "Z".

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Copyright © Standard Documents; 1977-2024 MUMPS Development Committee;
Copyright © Examples: 1995-2024 Ed de Moel;
Copyright © Annotations: 2003-2008 Jacquard Systems Research
Copyright © Annotations: 2008-2024 Ed de Moel.

Some specifications are "approved for inclusion in a future standard". Note that the MUMPS Development Committee cannot guarantee that such future standards will indeed be published.

This page most recently updated on 28-Nov-2011, 21:33:03.

For comments, contact Ed de Moel (demoel@jacquardsystems.com)