Philip Gage
Use of program generators for a primary care system
Proceedings of the Eighth Annual Meeting of the MUMPS Users' Group - Europe, Amsterdam 1983, Volume 1983
Philip Gage
Proceedings of the Ninth Annual Meeting of the MUMPS Users' Group - Europe, Paris 1984, Volume 1984
Philip Gage
A Decision Support system using Attached Micros
Proceedings of the Eleventh Annual Meeting of the MUMPS Users' Group - Europe, Barcelona 1986, Volume 1986
Philip Gage
Confession of a Programmer
Proceedings of the Twelfth Annual Meeting of the MUMPS Users' Group - Europe, Vienna 1987, Volume 1987
Philip Gage
Interfacing with Graphics - A practical introduction
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Annual Meeting of the MUMPS Users' Group - Europe, Bruges 1988, Volume 1988
Philip Gage
Bringing Clinical Computing to the Bedside
Proceedings of the 1994 MTA-Europe Meeting, CD-ROM (1994)
Philip Gage
Creating a WWW Server in M[UMPS]
Proceedings of the 1995 MTA-Europe Meeting, CD-ROM (1995)
Philip Gage
Other material
Proceedings of the 1995 MTA-Europe Meeting, CD-ROM (1995)
Philip Gage
Using MUMPS in yacht racing
1990, Volume 1990, Issue 4