Literature about M[UMPS]

The literature list can be accessed by author, by keyword-in-title-context index or, if the article was published by a MUG or an MTA, by publication, in which the article appeared.

Please note: The list of publications by MUGs and MTAs was composed using the tables of contents of those issues that I have. I am aware that my collection is quite extensive, but still far from complete. If anyone is in possession of back-issues that are not currently listed in this section, please provide me with a copy of the journal(s) in question, so that I may add the information to the list. Mail can be sent to "Ed de Moel, 57 Magnolia Street, Arlington, Massachusetts, 02474, USA" or electronically to


The survey of M[UMPS] related literature that can be accessed through the above links has been compiled from a number of sources.

In the past Dr. Harvey from Robert Morris College and Dr. Kirsten from the J.W. Goete Universität published their literature lists, and I have gratefully incorporated the wealth of material in their lists in this document. I am also grateful to the people at the MTA office who allowed me the use of their compiled documentation of articles in the various publications of the MUMPS User's Group and the M Technology Association.

Of course, having combined all these references into one set of hypertext documents, I am still aware that there must be a lot more M[UMPS] related literature around.
If anyone knows of additional literature, please let me know too.

One tender point is always the spelling of the names of authors. Please notify me of any typos I have introduced, I will correct those immediately.
However, authors tend to use a different spelling of their names for different publications, or just because a particular spelling was the fashion in a specific period (note: this list spans a period of over 40 years by now). Also, some authors have publications in this list that they wrote "way back when" when they were novice students, and currently their names carry respectable titles with them.
In order to make it possible to group articles by author, I have made an effort to use the same spelling of a name, regardless of the date of the publication and I have left out all titles. In those cases where I know that authors have changed their names over time, I have used their current names for the older publications as well.
Please let me know if a different spelling is preferred.

I set up a "keyword-in-context" index based on the titles of the articles. In such an index, one-letter words are usually omitted. In order to be able to maintain cross-references to occurrences to M, where this letter represents the name of the language, I spelled it as M[UMPS].

I included e-mail addresses for those authors of whom I know this information. Please let me know any updates.

Ed de Moel

The copyrights of the individual articles and publications belong to their respective authors and publishers.
This compilation is Copyright © 1996-2025 Ed de Moel.
For comments and corrections, please contact Ed de Moel.